Article R2191-15 of the French Public procurement code
In the case of a renewable contract, an advance is paid to the contractor for each renewal under the conditions set out in sub-section 1.
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In the case of a renewable contract, an advance is paid to the contractor for each renewal under the conditions set out in sub-section 1.
Where the framework agreement executed by the issue of purchase orders does not provide for a minimum amount, the advance shall be granted for each purchase order fulfilling the conditions laid down in sub-section 1.
Where the framework agreement executed by the issue of purchase orders provides for a minimum amount in excess of 50,000 euros excluding tax, the advance payment shall be granted in a single instalment on the basis of this minimum amount.
When the framework agreement executed by the issue of purchase orders provides for a minimum amount of more than 50,000 euros excluding tax and is concluded by a purchase order grouping, the advance payment may be granted under the conditions set out in article R. 2191-16 provided that each member of the grouping pays for the services it has ordered.
When the amount of the advance payment is less than 80% of the amount calculated in accordance with the provisions of articles R. 2191-16 to R. 2191-18, the reimbursement of the advance payment must be completed when the amount of the services performed by the contractor reaches 80% of the amount, including all taxes, of the services entrusted to him under : 1° Of the purchase order in the case…
Services that have begun to be performed are entitled to payments on account. Payments on account do not constitute final payments.
The amount of the payments on account corresponds to the value of the services to which they relate. Where applicable, it is reduced by the corresponding fraction of the guarantee deduction mentioned in article R. 2191-32.
The frequency of advance payments is set at a maximum of three months. When the contract holder is a small or medium-sized enterprise or a craftsman within the meaning of article R. 2151-13, a cooperative production company, an agricultural producers’ group, a craftsmen’s cooperative company, an artists’ cooperative company or an adapted company, this period is reduced to one month for works contracts and, at the request of the contract…
The services provided by the holder of a contract which give rise to the payment of advances or instalments, to final partial settlement, or to payment of the balance, shall be recorded in a document drawn up by the purchaser or verified and accepted by him.
In the case of contracts awarded in separate lots, the holder of several lots submits separate invoices for each lot or a global invoice separately identifying the different lots.
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