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Article R211-13-3 of the French Sports Code

The Director General may, after consulting the Athlete and Trainee Life Council sitting on a disciplinary panel, impose a disciplinary sanction on any athlete or trainee who has breached the institution’s operating rules. This disciplinary panel includes the members mentioned in 1°, 2° and 3° as well as the members mentioned in e, f and g of 4° of article R. 211-13. Disciplinary sanctions are: 1° a warning; 2° a…

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Article R211-16 of the French Sports Code

Board agendas and related documents are sent to Board members at least eight days in advance. Boards may only meet if a majority of their members in office are present or represented. If this quorum is not reached, the Boards are reconvened on the same agenda within a maximum of fifteen days and may then validly deliberate regardless of the number of members in office present or represented. The provisions…

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Article R211-17 of the French Sports Code

Elections to the various councils are held by a single-member, first-past-the-post system. In the event of a tie, the oldest candidate is elected. Votes may be cast by post or by proxy. An order issued by the Minister for Sport specifies the conditions for exercising the right to vote and stand for election and the rules applicable to the conduct of the ballots.

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Article R211-18 of the French Sports Code

The financial and accounting regime of the Institut national du sport, de l’expertise et de la performance is set out in articles L. 719-4 à L. 719-6 of the Education Code and, unless otherwise provided for in articles R. 211-18-1 to R. 211-18-6, by the decree implementing them.

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Article R211-18-1 of the French Sports Code

The revenues of the Institut national du sport, de l’expertise et de la performance include : 1° Subsidies from the State, public authorities or any public body, whether French, foreign or international; 2° Proceeds from payments and contributions from any person entitled to benefit from the various services provided by the establishment; 3° Proceeds from its training activities, conferences, seminars, symposia and events that it organises, as well as the…

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Article R211-18-3 of the French Sports Code

I. – The draft budget is sent by the Director General to the Ministers for Sport and the Budget at least fifteen days before it is presented to the Board of Directors of the institution. II. – The Board of Directors votes for the budget to be in real balance. III. – At the meeting of the Board of Directors, the Director of Sport may decide that the budget is…

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