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Article R221-12 of the French Sports Code

A list of national team athletes includes athletes who contribute to the performance of the French national teams in a recognised elite sport discipline without demonstrating a sufficient level of sporting ability as set out in articles R. 221-4, R. 221-5 and R. 221-6. The criteria for inclusion on this list are set out in the federal performance plan of the relevant delegated federation.

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Article R221-13 of the French Sports Code

The lists of “Espoirs” and national team athletes are drawn up for one year by the Minister for Sport, on the recommendation of the relevant federation and after consultation with the national technical director.

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Article R221-14 of the French Sports Code

The status of high-level sportsperson, high-level coach, high-level sports referee and judge, espoir sportsperson or member of the national teams is withdrawn when the beneficiary ceases to satisfy the conditions required to obtain it.

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Article R221-15 of the French Sports Code

I. – The status of elite athlete, elite coach, elite referee and judge, U23 athlete or member of the National Team may be withdrawn or suspended at any time by reasoned decision of the Minister for Sport: 1° At the proposal of the relevant federation, when the person concerned has been the subject of a serious disciplinary sanction taken in accordance with the provisions of the federation’s statutes and regulations;…

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Article R221-15-1 of the French Sports Code

The Minister responsible for sport may, at any time, by a reasoned decision, oppose the registration of an athlete on the lists mentioned in article L. 221-2 when one of the conditions mentioned in 1° and 2° of article R. 221-15 is met.

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Article R221-15-2 of the French Sports Code

When an athlete has been the subject of a disciplinary decision relating to the fight against doping and this decision has not become final, the Minister responsible for sport may, as a precautionary measure and by reasoned decision, issue a provisional suspension from one of the lists appearing in article L. 221-2. The athlete is given the opportunity, by any means, to comment on this measure, the duration of which…

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Article R221-16 of the French Sports Code

Before any decision on suspension or withdrawal is taken, the person concerned shall be given the opportunity to submit written or oral observations. Where the application for suspension or withdrawal is made for disciplinary reasons, the competent sports federation shall attach to its proposal the minutes of the meeting of the body which imposed the sanction.

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Article R221-17 of the French Sports Code

In disciplines recognised as high level, the delegated sports federations may request validation, under the term “Federal Performance Project”, of the policy and measures they are putting in place to enable athletes to reach the highest level in their discipline, as well as to ensure their training and preparation for professional life.

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Article R221-18 of the French Sports Code

Validation of federal performance projects is subject to the presentation, by the relevant delegating federation, of an application setting out the two programmes mentioned in 3° of article L. 131-15: 1° A sports excellence programme which defines the federal strategy for preparing French teams for performance; 2° A programme for access to high-level sport, which defines the federal strategy for detection and training for access to the programme of excellence….

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Article R221-19 of the French Sports Code

Federal performance projects include structures managed separately or jointly, particularly on the basis of an agreement, by the delegated federation concerned, by an association affiliated to it, or by a legal entity governed by public law. They are mainly made up of structures or groups of structures called “pôles France” or “pôles Espoirs” that meet the conditions set out in articles R. 221-20 and R. 221-21.

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