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Article L424-2 of the French Sports Code

Where the locally applicable regulations so provide, the investigators and Secretary General of the French Anti-Doping Agency are authorised to intervene in French Polynesia to investigate and establish violations of the anti-doping rules within the framework of the procedures provided for by the locally applicable regulations and under the conditions set out in this section.

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Article L424-3 of the French Sports Code

I.-Articles L. 232-18-7, L. 232-18-9 to L. 232-20 and L. 232-20-2 are applicable in French Polynesia. II.For the application of I: 1° In article L. 232-18-7: a) The words: “tribunal judiciaire” are replaced by the words: “tribunal de première instance”; b) At the end of the last sentence of the fifth paragraph and the first sentence of the penultimate paragraph, the words: “mentioned in article L. 232-18-5” are replaced by…

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Article L425-1 of the French Sports Code

I.-The provisions of article L. 333-9 are applicable in New Caledonia. II-The athlete designated in articles L. 425-1-1 and L. 425-1-2 as well as articles L. 425-9-1 to L. 425-9-3 is that defined in 2° of article L. 230-3.

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Article L425-1-1 of the French Sports Code

It is forbidden for any athlete to possess, or attempt to possess, without a duly justified medical reason, one or more prohibited substances or methods appearing on the list mentioned in the last paragraph of this article. This prohibition does not apply to substances and methods for which the athlete provides a duly justified medical reason as defined by the competent local authority. The list of substances and methods referred…

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Article L425-1-2 of the French Sports Code

It is forbidden for any person to: 1° Prescribing, administering, applying, transferring or offering to athletes, without a duly justified medical reason, one or more substances or methods mentioned in article L. 425-1-1 or facilitating their use or encouraging their use; 2° Producing, manufacturing, importing, exporting, transporting, possessing or acquiring, for use by an athlete without a duly justified medical reason, one or more substances or methods appearing on the…

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Article L425-2 of the French Sports Code

In addition to the officers and agents of the judicial police acting within the framework of the provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure, the officers and agents of New Caledonia responsible for applying these regulations and sworn under the conditions set out in II of article 809 of the Code of Criminal Procedure are authorised to carry out the checks provided for in deliberation no. 202 of 22 August…

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