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Article A231-5 of the French Sports Code

No later than two months following the recruitment of salaried professional athletes, and annually thereafter, they shall undergo the examinations provided for in article A. 231-3. In addition, the delegated sports federations or professional leagues may require additional medical examinations, adapted to their sport and at a frequency that they determine.

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Article A312-1 of the French Sports Code

The declaration provided for in article R. 312-4 must include : 1° The surname, first names, address, telephone number and e-mail address of the owner of the equipment declared ; 2° (Repealed) ; 3° The general characteristics of the equipment declared; 4° The specific characteristics of the equipment declared; 5° The physical and/or sporting activities that can be practised there. A model declaration is attached in Annex III-1.

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Article A312-2 of the French Sports Code

The documents making up the application for approval referred to in article R. 312-9 are adapted to enable the departmental safety and accessibility advisory committee and, where applicable, the national sports arena safety committee to issue an opinion on the owner’s compliance with the safety rules laid down in the building and housing code.

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Article A312-3 of the French Sports Code

In the case of permanent or temporary sports arenas to be built, the application for approval is submitted as follows: a) When the application for planning permission for the structure which is the subject of the application for approval is submitted, the latter is filed or sent, accompanied by the following documents: 1° A general information file ; 2° The conclusions of the technical inspector’s initial report on solidity, after…

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Article A312-4 of the French Sports Code

In the case of existing enclosures, the application for approval must include the following documents: 1° The documents referred to in 4° to 7°, and, where applicable, 8°, 10° and 11°, designated in article A. 311-3, updated, original or reconstituted by a project manager who can provide proof of professional insurance and a diploma recognised by the State; 2° The results of the inspection carried out by the competent fire…

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Article A312-5 of the French Sports Code

The owner of the sports stadium must attach to the application for approval any document that the Prefect deems necessary to inform the Departmental Safety and Accessibility Advisory Committee and, where applicable, the National Safety Committee for Sports Stadia, after consultation with these bodies.

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Article A312-6 of the French Sports Code

The application for approval and the accompanying file, signed by the owner, must be drawn up in triplicate; this figure is increased to six for categories of sports arenas subject to the opinion of the Commission nationale de sécurité des enceintes sportives.

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Article A312-7 of the French Sports Code

The application for approval and the attached documents must be sent by registered post with acknowledgement of receipt, or deposited against receipt, at the prefecture of the département in which the construction is planned or in which the structure is located.

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Article A312-8 of the French Sports Code

Any new application for approval is made under the same conditions and according to the same procedure as that used to grant the initial approval: – in the case of a permanent modification to the enclosure or its layout, the documents listed in article A. 312-3 are produced for the modified part of the structure; – in the case of a modification to the environment, the documents listed in article…

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Article A312-9 of the French Sports Code

In sports establishments subject to homologation, a “homologation notice”, the model for which is reproduced in appendix III-4 of this code, is displayed in a visible and indelible manner near the main entrances. This notice is duly completed by the owner or operator, under their responsibility, based on the information contained in the homologation order. It includes the following information: – the date of signature and the number of the…

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