Article R114-58 of the French Sports Code
Notwithstanding article 6 of the above-mentioned decree of 20 November 2020, the social committee of each centre is created by a decision of its board of directors.
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Notwithstanding article 6 of the above-mentioned decree of 20 November 2020, the social committee of each centre is created by a decision of its board of directors.
In addition to the Director, who chairs it, the person in charge of human resources management and staff representatives, the Management Committee includes a representative of the region appointed by the President of the Regional Council. If the director of the centre is unable to attend, he or she appoints a representative from among the centre’s civil servants who report to him or her in a position of responsibility. This…
Notwithstanding article 10 of the above-mentioned decree of 20 November 2020, in centres with a workforce of less than two hundred employees, a specialised committee may be set up within the social committee of the administration when this is justified by particular occupational risks, by decision of the Board of Directors, on its own initiative or on the proposal of the occupational health and safety inspector or of the majority…
In addition to the director who chairs it, the person with authority for human resources management and staff representatives, the specialised committee includes a representative of the region appointed by the president of the regional council, who co-chairs it.
The contractual employees of the resource, expertise and sports performance centres, carrying out tasks that fall within the remit of the State, pursuant to articles L. 114-2 and L. 114-4, are subject to the joint consultative commissions created under the conditions set out inarticle 1-2 of decree no. 86-83 of 17 January 1986 relating to the general provisions applicable to State contractual employees. The contractual agents of the sports resources,…
Permanent and probationary civil servants and contractual employees under public and private law carrying out tasks within a sports resources, expertise and performance centre that fall within the remit of the State, in application of articles L. 114-2 and L. 114-4, are also eligible to vote and stand for election to the ministerial administration social committee placed under the ministers responsible for youth and sports. Permanent and probationary civil servants…
The provisions of decree no. 82-447 of 28 May 1982 relating to the exercise of trade union rights in the civil service are applicable to civil servants represented on the ministerial administrative social committee attached to the ministers responsible for youth and sport, subject to the provisions of this sub-section. The provisions of decree no. 85-397 of 3 April 1985 relating to the exercise of trade union rights in the…
Are considered representative within the meaning of articles 3, 3-1 and 5 of the aforementioned decree of 28 May 1982, on the one hand the trade union organisations with at least one seat on the social committee of the administration of the sports resources, expertise and performance centre concerned, and on the other hand the trade union organisations with at least one seat on the social committee of the ministerial…
The quotas of leave of absence and time off work mentioned in 1° and 2° of article 12 of the aforementioned decree of 3 April 1985 are calculated for each representative trade union organisation of the territorial social committee of the region concerned.
The appointment by the director of the centre, who is head of department within the meaning of the aforementioned decree of 28 May 1982, of a prevention assistant and, where applicable, a prevention adviser from among the centre’s staff who come under the region’s departments, is subject to the assent of the president of the regional council.
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