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Article L512-59 of the French Consumer Code

During the visit, the authorised officers may seize any objects, documents and information media useful to the investigation. They may take samples of goods. They may also place seals on any business premises, objects, documents and information media, within the limits of the duration of the visit to these premises.Only the authorised agents, the occupier of the premises or his representative and the judicial police officer may inspect the documents…

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Article L512-60 of the French Consumer Code

The authorised officers may, during the visit, take evidence from the occupier of the premises, their representative or any other person, with a view to obtaining any information or explanations that may be useful for the purposes of the investigation. In accordance with Article 28 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, Article 61-1 of the same code is applicable when a person in respect of whom there are reasonable grounds…

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Article L512-61 of the French Consumer Code

When the visit is made to a lawyer’s office or home, to the premises of a press or audiovisual communication company, or to the office of a doctor, notary or bailiff, articles 56-1, 56-2 or 56-3 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, as the case may be, shall apply.

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Article L512-62 of the French Consumer Code

The originals of the report and the inventory of the objects, documents and data media seized are sent to the judge who ordered the visit.A copy is given to the occupier of the premises or his representative.Where applicable, a copy of these documents is also sent, by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, to the persons implicated by the items seized during the operation.

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Article L512-63 of the French Consumer Code

The person against whom the order mentioned in article L. 512-52 has been taken may appeal against it to the first president of the court of appeal within whose jurisdiction the judge authorised the measure, in accordance with the rules set out in the code of criminal procedure. The appeal is lodged by declaration at the clerk’s office of the judicial court within ten days of notification of the order.

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Article L512-64 of the French Consumer Code

The conduct of the search and seizure operations may be appealed to the first president of the court of appeal within whose jurisdiction the judge authorised them, in accordance with the rules set out in the code of criminal procedure. The person against whom the order was made and the persons implicated by the documents seized during these operations may lodge this appeal. This appeal shall be lodged by declaration…

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Article L512-65 of the French Consumer Code

Where the order referred to in Article L. 512-52 concerns the investigation of breaches of the provisions of Book IV, the public prosecutor with territorial jurisdiction shall be informed by the competition and consumer affairs authority of the proposed visit and seizure operation prior to referral to the liberties and detention judge, and may oppose it. The public prosecutor with territorial jurisdiction shall be informed by the competition and consumer…

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Article L521-1 of the French Consumer Code

When the authorised agents observe a failure or infringement with the powers provided for in this book, they may, after an adversarial procedure, enjoin a professional, by setting a reasonable time limit which they shall determine, to comply with its obligations, to cease any unlawful act or to remove any unlawful or prohibited clause. Any injunction issued pursuant to this article may be accompanied by a daily penalty payment of…

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Article L521-2 of the French Consumer Code

The injunction referred to in Article L. 521-1 may be advertised in accordance with conditions laid down by decree in the Conseil d’Etat. In this case, the trader is informed of the nature and terms of the planned publicity during the adversarial procedure prior to the injunction being issued. The advertising is carried out at the expense of the trader who is the subject of the injunction. If the trader…

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Article L521-3 of the French Consumer Code

Where a trader subject to the provisions of Chapter I of Title II of Book II is manifestly unable to comply with his obligations under Article L. 221-15, the administrative authority responsible for competition and consumer affairs may order the trader, for an initial period of no more than two months, which may be renewed for periods of no more than one month: 1° No longer to take any payment…

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