Article R823-20 of the French Consumer Code
The results of some of the laboratory’s work may give rise to the issue of reports.The procedures for applying this article shall be specified by an order of the Minister responsible for industry.
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The results of some of the laboratory’s work may give rise to the issue of reports.The procedures for applying this article shall be specified by an order of the Minister responsible for industry.
The Conseil national de l’alimentation is attached to the Minister for Agriculture, the Minister for Health, the Minister for the Environment and the Minister for Consumer Affairs. The Conseil national de l’alimentation is attached to the Minister for Agriculture, the Minister for Health, the Minister for the Environment and the Minister for Consumer Affairs. The Conseil national de l’alimentation is attached to the Minister for Consumer Affairs.
The Council is consulted on the definition of public food policy and gives opinions on related issues. It may, in particular, be consulted on the main policy guidelines relating to: 1° Adapting consumption to nutritional requirements; 2° Food safety and food safety; 3° The quality of foodstuffs; 4° Informing consumers of these foodstuffs; 5° Crisis prevention and risk communication. The Council does not take the place of bodies qualified in…
Public food policy is defined in article L. 1 du code rural et de la pêche maritime. The national nutrition and health programme is defined in article L. 3231-1 du code de la santé publique.
The National Food Council comprises: 1° Sixty-six members divided into nine colleges: a) The college made up of nine representatives of national consumer or user defence associations; b) The college made up of ten representatives of agricultural producers; c) The college made up of nine representatives of processing, including at least one representative of the craft industry ; d) The college made up of four representatives of distribution, including at…
The members of colleges a to h mentioned in 1° of article D. 824-4 are appointed by joint order of the ministers responsible for agriculture, health, the environment and consumer affairs. Their three-year term of office is renewable.
The chairman of the Council is appointed for a renewable three-year term by joint order of the ministers responsible for agriculture, health, the environment and consumer affairs. He is chosen from among the members of the colleges mentioned in 1° of article D. 824-4. The Council meets in plenary session at the request of its Chairman, one of the Ministers responsible for the Council, two-thirds of its members or one…
The Council’s secretariat is provided by the Ministry of Agriculture.
The Council shall set up such permanent or temporary working groups as it deems necessary for the proper conduct of its work. The operating procedures of the Council, in particular the quorum rules, and the publication of the conclusions of its work are specified by joint order of the ministers responsible for agriculture, health, the environment and consumer affairs.
A.-Inserted in the general terms and conditions of sale of goods (excluding pets) The consumer has a period of two years from delivery of the goods to obtain the implementation of the legal guarantee of conformity in the event of the appearance of a lack of conformity. During this period, the consumer is only required to establish the existence of the lack of conformity and not the date of its…
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