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Article R623-7 of the French Consumer Code

The judgment holding the professional(s) concerned liable shall set the time limit within which the publicity measures must be implemented by the professional(s) concerned and on expiry of which they will be implemented by the association(s) at the expense of the professional(s) concerned.

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Article R623-8 of the French Consumer Code

This judgment remits the case to the mise en état for further proceedings. It shall indicate the date of the hearing at which, pursuant to article R. 623-10, any claims for compensation that the trader has failed to satisfy.

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Article R623-9 of the French Consumer Code

For the application of the provisions of article L. 623-5, the judge may, at any time during the proceedings, order any legally admissible investigative measure necessary to preserve evidence and the production of documents, including those held by the professional.

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Article R623-11 of the French Consumer Code

The judgment provided for in Article L. 623-14, after determining the criteria for identifying the members of the group, specifies the deadline and the procedures for informing, accepting and compensating the consumers concerned.

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Article R623-12 of the French Consumer Code

The individual consumer information measures referred to in article L. 623-15 to which the professional must proceed must include, in addition to any particulars prescribed by the judgment: 1° A reproduction of the operative part of the judgment; 2° Details of the professional from whom each consumer may accept compensation and of the association that must be informed; 3° The form, content and deadline for acceptance of compensation under the…

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Article R623-13 of the French Consumer Code

The consumer’s acceptance shall be sent, by any means enabling receipt to be acknowledged, to the trader and the requesting association or, where there is more than one, to one of them, within the time limit and in the manner determined by the judge.

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Article R623-14 of the French Consumer Code

Consumers who are members of the group and who have not expressed their acceptance within the period and in the manner set by the judge pursuant to the provisions of article L. 623-15 and under the conditions set out in article R. 623-13 are no longer eligible to claim their compensation under the group action and are not represented by the claimant association.

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