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Article L223-4 of the French Consumer Code

The Minister responsible for the economy shall designate by order the body responsible for managing the telephone cold calling list, after competitive tendering, for a period set by regulation. The body mentioned in the first paragraph shall make accessible, in an open format that is easily reusable and usable by an automated processing system, the essential data on its activity, in compliance with articles L. 311-5 to L. 311-7 of…

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Article L223-5 of the French Consumer Code

The prohibitions provided for in articles L. 223-1 and L. 223-3 do not apply to canvassing for the supply of newspapers, periodicals or magazines. A decree, issued after consulting the Conseil national de la consommation, shall determine the days and times and the frequency at which such canvassing is authorised.

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Article L224-1 of the French Consumer Code

I.-The provisions of this section apply to contracts taken out by a consumer with an electricity or natural gas supplier, as well as to contracts taken out by a non-professional for electrical power equal to or less than 36 kilovoltamperes or for natural gas consumption of less than 30,000 kilowatt hours per year. II.-The provisions of article L. 224-2, article L. 224-3 with the exception of its 13° and 16°,…

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Article L224-3 of the French Consumer Code

The electricity or natural gas supply offer specifies, in clear and comprehensible terms, the following information: 1° The identity of the supplier, the address of its registered office, its unique identification number and the words RCS followed by the name of the town where the registry where it is registered is located or any equivalent document for companies located outside France and for operators who are not entered in the…

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Article L224-4 of the French Consumer Code

The information referred to in Article L. 224-3 is made available to the consumer in writing or on a durable medium prior to the conclusion of the contract. They are accompanied by a summary of the main contractual provisions.

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Article L224-6 of the French Consumer Code

The consumer is only bound by his signature. By way of derogation from the first paragraph and the first paragraph of Article L. 221-25, if the consumer who moves into a site solicits a supplier and wishes performance of his distance contract to begin before the end of the withdrawal period referred to in Article L. 221-18, the supplier shall obtain the consumer’s express request, by any means, and transmit…

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