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Article A222-2 of the French Cinema and Moving Image Code

For each cinematographic or audiovisual work, persons whose business is the publication of videograms intended for the private use of the public must keep an up-to-date document, in accordance with a model approved by the Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée, stating :1° The original title of the work and, in the case of a foreign work, the title under which the work is published in France, if…

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Article D231-1 of the French Cinema and Moving Image Code

For the application of this chapter, the theatrical release date of a cinematographic work is the national release date appearing on the advertising material, whatever the form and means of communication used. Previews, exceptional early releases, even with payment, as well as the cinematographic performances mentioned in article R. 211-45, are not taken into account to determine the national release date of the work.

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Article D231-3 of the French Cinema and Moving Image Code

The application for exemption is sent to the President of the Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée by the holder of the video publishing rights. It must be accompanied by the following information and documents: 1° The title, the number of the cinematographic licence and the date of release of the work in cinematographic theatres; 2° The date from which exploitation of the work in videogram form is…

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Article D231-5 of the French Cinema and Moving Image Code

The exemption is granted by the Chairman of the Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée from the date indicated in the application in accordance with 2° of Article D. 231-3. It may not have the effect of reducing by more than four weeks the minimum period of four months set in the first paragraph of Article L. 231-1.

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Article A241-2 of the French Cinema and Moving Image Code

The rules relating to the information that must appear on the declarations accompanying the legal deposit of videograms fixed on a photochemical medium and on these videograms themselves are laid down by the provisions of the Order of 12 January 1995 relating to the information that must appear on the declaration accompanying the legal deposit of videograms fixed on a photochemical medium and the Order of 12 January 1995 relating…

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