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Article R423-16 of the French Cinema and Moving Image Code

At the end of the deliberations, if the Regulatory Control Committee does not reach a decision, it refers the case to a subsequent meeting. If necessary, it may ask the rapporteur to carry out further investigations and then set a deadline for the submission of the additional report.

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Article R423-17 of the French Cinema and Moving Image Code

The decision taken by the Regulatory Control Commission shall state the legal and factual considerations on which it is based. It shall mention the names of the members who took the decision and indicate the appeal procedures and deadlines. The respondent is notified of the decision by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, by hand-delivery against receipt, by bailiff’s deed or by any other means that can be used to…

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Article R423-18 of the French Cinema and Moving Image Code

The Chairman of the Regulatory Control Commission represents the Commission. He shall sign the Committee’s decisions. He/she signs the briefs submitted in the context of legal appeals lodged against the decisions of the committee. The chairman of the Regulatory Control Committee is replaced, in the event of absence or impediment, by the member of the Inspectorate General of Cultural Affairs. The chairman of the Regulatory Control Committee draws up an…

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Article R432-3 of the French Cinema and Moving Image Code

If a person in charge of the management of a cinema or responsible for controlling access to cinemas wilfully allows one of these minors to enter a cinema where a film is being shown, the showing of which is prohibited for minors aged eighteen, sixteen or twelve, this person will be punished by a 5th class fine.The person mentioned in the previous paragraph may demand the production of any document…

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Article R432-4 of the French Cinema and Moving Image Code

For an adult responsible for the supervision of a minor, accompanying the minor into a cinema where a cinematographic work is being shown, the showing of which is forbidden to spectators of the minor’s age, is punishable by a 2nd class fine. The fact of establishing, in the case provided for in the second paragraph of Article R. 432-3, a false attestation as to the age of the minor is…

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Article R434-1 of the French Cinema and Moving Image Code

Without prejudice to the application of the penalties provided for in the town planning code, anyone who, without holding the required authorisation or in disregard of its requirements, either undertakes or causes to be undertaken work for the purpose of carrying out one of the projects provided for in article L. 212-7, or who operates or causes to be operated a cinema subject to the obligations laid down by this…

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