Article R450-2-3 of the French Commercial code
Electronic signatures and handwritten signatures obtained in digital format constitute signature procedures in digital format within the meaning of Article L. 450-2-1.
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Electronic signatures and handwritten signatures obtained in digital format constitute signature procedures in digital format within the meaning of Article L. 450-2-1.
The electronic signature shall be affixed under the conditions laid down in Articles 1366 and 1367 of the Civil Code. This signature is at least of an advanced level based on a qualified certificate, within the meaning of Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 July 2014 on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market.
A handwritten signature collected in digital format is validly affixed if the signatory has first been given the opportunity to acquaint himself with the document in digital format and if, subsequent to its collection, an electronic signature is affixed to the document by one of the agents mentioned in Article L. 450-1.
I.-The Minister responsible for the economy shall inform the General Rapporteur of the Competition Authority of any investigations he wishes to undertake into facts likely to fall within the scope of Articles L. 420-1, L. 420-2 and L. 420-5. It sends the documents in its possession justifying the launch of an investigation. The rapporteur general may take charge of these investigations within one month of receiving the aforementioned documents, in…
I.-The request for authorisation to disclose connection data referred to in the second paragraph of Article L. 450-3-3 specifies for each investigation: 1° The name of the person suspected of having taken part in the offences and breaches mentioned in I of Article L. 450-3-3 or the name of any other person for whom access to connection data appears necessary to the investigation or, where applicable, the telephone number, IP…
Data transmitted by telecommunications operators are collected and stored, until they are destroyed, in accordance with procedures designed to guarantee their confidentiality.
The destruction of connection data collected in the course of the same investigation, carried out under the conditions provided for in the ninth and tenth paragraphs of Article L. 450-3-3, shall give rise to a report drawn up by the agents mentioned in article L. 450-1. Requests for authorisation to access connection data sent to the controller of connection data requests and authorisations issued by the latter shall be destroyed…
The controller of connection data requests or, where applicable, his deputy, shall receive an allowance, the amount of which shall be set by order of the ministers responsible for the economy and the budget.
The administrative authority referred to in the second paragraph of Article L. 450-3-3 is: 1° The Director General of Competition, Consumer Affairs and Fraud Control or his appointed representative; 2° The Head of the National Investigation Department of the Directorate General of Competition, Consumer Affairs and Fraud Control or his appointed representative ; 3° The Regional Director of the Economy, Employment, Labour and Solidarity or his appointed representative; 4° The…
The Chairman of the Competition Authority represents the Authority in legal proceedings and in all civil acts. Within this framework, he signs acts and documents on behalf of the Authority. The Chairman of the Competition Authority has standing to bring claims and defend actions and to present observations before any court on behalf of the Authority. The chairman of the Competition Authority may, in the cases provided for in Book…
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