Article R963-2 of the French Commercial code
For the application of articles R. 310-2 to R. 310-7 in Saint-Barthélemy, the words: “mayor of the commune” and the word: “mayor” are replaced by the words: “president of the territorial council”.
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For the application of articles R. 310-2 to R. 310-7 in Saint-Barthélemy, the words: “mayor of the commune” and the word: “mayor” are replaced by the words: “president of the territorial council”.
For the application of Article R. 526-20, the reference to Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 July 2014 on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market is replaced by the reference to the rules in force in mainland France pursuant to that Regulation.
The provisions of articles R. 611-23-1, R. 662-4in its version resulting from the decree no. 2016-1851 of 23 December 2016 relating to the appointment of bailiffs and auctioneers in certain procedures relating to distressed companies and amending the Commercial Code and R. 662-18 as well as Title IX of Book VI are not applicable.
For the application of Section 4 of Chapter III of Title II of Book I, the attributions devolved to the departmental or pluridépartemental mutual agricultural social security funds are exercised by the general social security fund mentioned in Article L. 752-1 of the Social Security Code.
For the application of article R. 310-3 in Saint-Martin, the words: “chambre de commerce et d’industrie territoriale” are replaced by the words: “chambre consulaire interprofessionnelle de Saint-Martin”.
For the application of articles R. 310-2 to R. 310-7 in Saint-Martin, the words: “mayor of the commune” and the word: “mayor” are replaced by the words: “president of the territorial council”.
The provisions of articles R. 611-23-1, R. 662-4 in the version resulting from the decree no. 2016-1851 of 23 December 2016 relating to the appointment of bailiffs and auctioneers in certain procedures relating to ailing companies and amending the Commercial Code and R. 662-18 are not applicable.
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