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French Code governing the entry and residence of foreign nationals and the right of asylum

Article R*532-65 of the French Code governing the entry and residence of foreign nationals and the right of asylum

The parties and the Minister responsible for asylum are notified of the decision ruling on the referral of the priority question of constitutionality, in the manner laid down by Articles R. 532-16 to R. 532-18.The notification of a referral decision states that observations may be submitted to the Council of State, within a period of one month. Notification of a decision refusing to forward an application states that this decision…

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Article R*532-66 of the French Code governing the entry and residence of foreign nationals and the right of asylum

Refusal to forward the application relieves the National Court of Asylum of the plea of unconstitutionality. The decision settling the dispute shall refer to the refusal to refer.The bench may, however, declare the refusal to refer null and void and proceed with the referral, where this refusal was exclusively motivated by the finding that the condition provided for by 1° of article 23-2 of order no. 58-1067 of 7 November…

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Article R532-69 of the French Code governing the entry and residence of foreign nationals and the right of asylum

A refugee to whom one of the measures provided for in articles 31, 32 and 33 of the Geneva Convention of 28 July 1951 has been applied may lodge an application with the Cour nationale du droit d’asile, within the time limit provided for by article L. 532-4 and in accordance with one of the procedures listed in the order of the Minister of Justice and the Minister responsible for…

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Article R532-72 of the French Code governing the entry and residence of foreign nationals and the right of asylum

Subject to the application of article R. 532-70, the person concerned is summoned to appear before a panel composed under the conditions laid down by article L. 131-3, within a maximum of twenty days from receipt of his/her application.The panel issues a reasoned opinion on the maintenance or cancellation of the measure to which the person concerned is subject. This opinion is sent without delay to the Minister of the…

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