Article R4427-5 of the French Labour Code
The declaration of first use is renewed whenever a significant change in processes or procedures renders it obsolete.
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The declaration of first use is renewed whenever a significant change in processes or procedures renders it obsolete.
For the purposes of this Title, the physical parameters used as risk indicators are defined as follows: 1° The peak sound pressure level is the level of the maximum value of the instantaneous sound pressure measured with frequency weighting C; 2° The daily noise exposure level is the time-weighted average of the noise exposure levels for a nominal eight-hour working day; 3° The weekly noise exposure level is the time-weighted…
The exposure limit values and exposure values triggering preventive action are set out in the following table: EXPOSURE VALUES EXPOSURE LEVEL 1° Exposure limit values Daily noise exposure level of 87 dB (A) or peak sound pressure level of 140 dB (C) 2° Upper exposure values triggering the preventive action provided for in article R. 4434-3, in 2° of article R. 4434-7, and in article R. 4435-1 Daily noise exposure…
For the application of the exposure limit values defined in 1° of Article R. 4431-2, the determination of the worker’s actual exposure to noise takes into account the attenuation provided by the individual hearing protectors worn by the worker. The exposure values defined in 2° and 3° of the same article do not take into account the effect of the use of these protectors.
In circumstances duly justified to the Labour Inspectorate monitoring officer and for activities characterised by a significant variation in daily noise exposure from one working day to the next, the weekly noise exposure level may be used instead of the daily exposure level to assess the noise levels to which workers are exposed, for the purposes of applying the exposure limit values and the values triggering preventive action. This substitution…
The employer shall take preventive measures to eliminate or reduce to a minimum the risks arising from exposure to noise, taking into account technical progress and the availability of measures to control the risk at source.
Reducing the risks of exposure to noise is based on the general principles of prevention mentioned in Article L. 4121-1.
The exposure of a worker, taking into account the attenuation provided by the individual hearing protectors worn by the latter, may under no circumstances exceed the exposure limit values defined in 1° of article R. 4431-2.
The employer shall assess and, if necessary, measure the noise levels to which workers are exposed. The purpose of this assessment and measurement is: 1° To determine the physical parameters defined in article R. 4431-1 ; 2° To establish whether, in a given situation, the exposure values set in article R. 4431-2 are exceeded.
The assessment of noise levels and, if necessary, their measurement are planned and carried out by competent persons, with the assistance, where appropriate, of the occupational health service. They are carried out at appropriate intervals, particularly when a change in installations or working methods is likely to lead to an increase in noise levels. If measurements are taken, they are repeated at least every five years.
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