Article R4453-15 of the French Labour Code
For the workers at particular risk referred to in 7° of Article R. 4453-8, the employer, in conjunction with the occupational physician, shall adapt the prevention measures provided for in this section.
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For the workers at particular risk referred to in 7° of Article R. 4453-8, the employer, in conjunction with the occupational physician, shall adapt the prevention measures provided for in this section.
Where, despite the preventive measures implemented pursuant to this section, a worker’s exposure exceeds the exposure limit values, the employer : 1° Immediately take measures to reduce exposure to a level below these limit values; 2° Determine the reasons why the exposure limit values were exceeded and adapt the protection and prevention measures accordingly in order to prevent any further exceedance; 3° Informs the Social and Economic Committee and the…
The employer shall ensure that each worker likely to be exposed to a risk related to electromagnetic fields receives all necessary information and training in relation to the results of the risk assessment carried out in accordance with section 4. This information and training shall relate in particular to : 1° The characteristics of electromagnetic field emissions ; 2° The direct biophysical effects and indirect effects that may result from…
The employer shall draw up a workstation manual for each workstation where workers are likely to be exposed to electromagnetic fields exceeding the values triggering action identified in application of article R. 4453-6 or presenting other risks of indirect effects. The leaflet is intended to inform workers of the risks to which their work may expose them and of the measures taken to avoid them. In particular, it sets out…
When an exposure in excess of the exposure limit values is detected or when an undesirable or unexpected effect on health likely to result from exposure to electromagnetic fields is reported by a worker, the latter benefits from a medical examination carried out by the occupational physician under the conditions provided for in the first paragraph of article R. 4624-34.
Without prejudice to the provisions laid down in sections 1 to 7 of this chapter, with the exception of Article R. 4453-16, when the preventive measures and means put in place by the employer under Article R. 4453-13 do not enable exposure to be kept below the exposure limit values relating to sensory effects and when work practices so require, these values may be temporarily exceeded. The worker’s exposure does…
The employer shall demonstrate that there is no possible alternative to exceeding the exposure limit values relating to sensory effects, taking into account work practices, and shall record the justification in the single risk assessment document. The employer informs the occupational physician, the health professionals from the occupational health service and the social and economic committee.
The employer shall ensure that additional preventive measures and resources are implemented to guarantee the health and safety of workers.
The employer shall appoint a person to act as an advisor on the prevention of risks associated with electromagnetic fields. This person may be the employee on whom the employer relies under article R. 4453-9 to carry out the risk assessment. Under the employer’s responsibility, this person participates in particular in : 1° The risk assessment provided for in Article R. 4453-6; 2° The implementation of all measures to ensure…
In addition to the training provided for in Article R. 4453-17, the employer shall organise, for each worker concerned, enhanced training on the specific risks, measures and means of prevention to be taken during this exposure.
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