Article R4511-6 of the French Labour Code
Each company manager is responsible for applying the preventive measures necessary to protect the workers he employs.
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Each company manager is responsible for applying the preventive measures necessary to protect the workers he employs.
The purpose of the general coordination of preventive measures is to prevent risks arising from interference between the activities, installations and equipment of different companies present in the same workplace.
As part of the general coordination of prevention measures, the head of the user company shall alert the head of the external company concerned when he is informed of a serious danger involving one of the workers of that company, even if he considers that the cause of the danger is exclusively due to that company, so that the necessary prevention measures can be taken by the employer concerned. In…
For the application of the provisions of this Title, the manager of the external company may only delegate his powers to a worker with the necessary authority, skills and resources. The latter shall be designated, where possible, from among the workers called upon to participate in the performance of the operations planned in the user company’s establishment.
The heads of external companies must inform the user company in writing of: 1° The date of their arrival and the foreseeable duration of their work; 2° The foreseeable number of workers assigned; 3° The name and qualifications of the person in charge of managing the work; 4° The names and references of their subcontractors, as soon as possible and in any event before the start of the work assigned…
The head of the user undertaking and the heads of external undertakings shall make the information mentioned in article R. 4511-10 available: 1° To the competent social and economic committee; 2° To the competent occupational physicians; 3° To the labour inspectorate; 4° To agents of the prevention services of social security organisations; 5° Where applicable, to agents of the Professional Prevention Organisation for Building and Public Works.
The managers of external companies shall provide the Labour Inspectorate, at its request, with a statement of the hours actually spent on carrying out the operation by the workers assigned to it.
When, after the start of the work, an external company uses new subcontractors, the procedures laid down in this chapter are again applicable to them.
Before an operation is carried out by an external company, a joint inspection is carried out of the workplace, the installations there and any equipment made available to the external companies.
During the joint preliminary inspection, the head of the user undertaking: 1° Delimits the area in which the outside undertakings will be working; 2° Marks out the areas in this area which may present hazards for the workers; 3° Indicates the traffic routes which these workers and the vehicles and machinery of all kinds belonging to the outside undertakings may use; 4° Defines the access routes for these workers to…
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