Article R4512-14 of the French Labour Code
For work carried out in an agricultural establishment, the provisions of article R. 4512-13 only apply to work carried out on or near the premises of the farm, business or establishment.
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For work carried out in an agricultural establishment, the provisions of article R. 4512-13 only apply to work carried out on or near the premises of the farm, business or establishment.
Before the start of the work and on the site where it is to be carried out, the head of the external company shall inform all the workers assigned to the work of the specific hazards to which they are exposed and of the preventive measures taken in application of this Title. In particular, he shall specify the danger zones and the means adopted to mark them. He shall explain…
Time spent providing information to employees is treated as actual working time.
During operations, each company implements the measures set out in the prevention plan. The head of the user company will check with the heads of the external companies that the measures decided upon are being implemented. He coordinates any new measures to be taken during the course of the work.
The head of the user undertaking shall organise, with the heads of any outside undertakings that he considers it useful to invite, periodic inspections and meetings, at intervals that he shall define, in order to ensure, depending on the risks or when circumstances so require: 1° either general coordination within the user undertaking; 2° or coordination of the prevention measures for a given operation; 3° or coordination of the measures…
The heads of the companies involved in the operations in question are informed of the date on which the inspections and periodic coordination meetings are to be held. Where they deem it necessary in view of the risks, the managers of external companies who are not invited to take part, at their request, in the meetings and inspections organised by the user company. In the absence of a meeting or…
The measures taken during coordination are updated in the prevention plan.
When all the operations of external companies present in the establishment lead to the employment of workers for a total of more than 90,000 hours over the next twelve months, inspections and periodic coordination meetings are held at least every three months. These provisions apply even when the provisions of the second and third paragraphs of Article R. 4513-3 are implemented.
When new workers are assigned to carry out the work during the operation, the manager of the external company shall inform the manager of the user company. The head of the external company is bound, with regard to these workers, by the information obligations set out in article R. 4512-15.
The head of the user undertaking shall check with the heads of the external undertakings that they have given the workers instructions appropriate to the risks associated with the presence of several undertakings on his premises.
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