Article R4534-91 of the French Labour Code
Flat ladders, known as “roofing ladders”, are fixed so that they cannot slip or tip over.
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Flat ladders, known as “roofing ladders”, are fixed so that they cannot slip or tip over.
Radio or television aerials, guy wires and obstacles of any kind that may exist on the parts of the roof on which workers are required to walk shall be marked, for the duration of the work, by visible devices.
Where workers frequently, for more than one day, travel on gutters, footpaths or any other passageway involving the risk of falling onto a roof made of materials of insufficient strength, this roof, in the absence of a guardrail or permanent protective device, is covered with planks or any other device capable of stopping a person who has lost his balance.
It is forbidden to work on roofs made slippery by atmospheric conditions, unless protective devices have been installed for this purpose.
During the assembly, dismantling and lifting of frames and frameworks, all measures are taken to minimise work and movements at height which expose workers to the risk of falling. To this end, wherever possible, parts are assembled on the ground and remote hooking or unhooking devices are used.
When, during the assembly, dismantling and lifting of structures and frameworks, workers are required to access a workstation or to move around while exposed to the risk of falling into a void, the employer shall take one of the following measures: 1° Installation of a sufficient number of service ladders fixed at the head and foot, and rest landings suitably arranged; 2° Installation of gangways fitted with guardrails placed at…
When, in the course of assembly, dismantling or lifting work on frames and structures, workers are called upon to intervene where they are exposed to the risk of falling into a void, the employer shall take one of the following measures: 1° Installation of fixed work floors, fitted with guardrails placed at a height of 90 centimetres and skirting boards at least 15 centimetres high; 2° Implementation, under the conditions…
Work platforms, gondolas and similar devices used for the transport or elevated work of workers employed on work mentioned in this section, as well as the lifting equipment from which these platforms, gondolas or similar devices are suspended, comply with the provisions relating to the lifting of persons set out in articles R. 4323-31 and R. 4323-32.
If the devices provided for in articles R. 4534-96 and R. 4534-97 are not installed, or if work platforms or any other similar devices suspended from lifting equipment are not used, the following shall be installed: 1° Either canopies, fans or floors capable of preventing a free fall of more than three metres; 2° Or nets, or any other device of at least equivalent elasticity, capable of preventing a free…
The devices provided for in 1° and 2° of article R. 4534-99 are arranged in such a way as to prevent the effects of tipping or bouncing.
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