Article R4534-101 of the French Labour Code
Where it is impossible to implement the safety measures provided for in articles R. 4534-96 to R. 4534-99, a fall arrest system must be worn.
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Where it is impossible to implement the safety measures provided for in articles R. 4534-96 to R. 4534-99, a fall arrest system must be worn.
Protective helmets must be worn when assembling, dismantling and lifting structures and frameworks.
When carrying out construction work involving the use of heavy prefabricated elements, the stability of each of these elements is ensured, as soon as they are in place, by appropriate rigid devices. Removal of the devices used may only be carried out on the orders of the site manager and under his personal supervision.
The tensioning of the prestressed concrete reinforcement and the removal of the jacks used for this operation may only be carried out under the supervision of the site foreman or a manager or engineer designated by the employer on the basis of their competence. The supervisor will ensure that appropriate devices are in place to effectively protect workers against the danger that could result from an untimely release of the…
The design of shoring with a height of more than six metres is justified by a calculation note and its construction is carried out in accordance with an assembly plan drawn up in advance, except in cases of urgency or impossibility. The calculation note and assembly plan must be kept on site. These provisions do not apply to shoring used for underground works.
The removal of hangers and formwork and the removal of the framework supporting these installations may only be carried out under the supervision of a competent person appointed by the employer.
The provisions of this sub-section apply when work is carried out in the vicinity of electrical lines, pipes and installations: 1° Located outside premises and in the low-voltage A area (BTA), i.e. whose voltage exceeds 50 volts, without exceeding 500 volts in alternating current, or exceeds 120 volts, without exceeding 750 volts in smooth direct current; 2° Located outside or inside premises and in the low-voltage B area (BTB), i.e….
Any employer who intends to carry out work in the vicinity of electrical lines or installations shall obtain information from the operator, whether the local representative of the energy distribution company or the operator of the public or private line or installation in question, on the voltage values of these lines or installations. In the light of this information, the employer must ensure that, while the work is being carried…
To determine the minimum distances to be observed in relation to normally energised bare conductive parts, account must be taken of: 1° All possible movements of the energised bare conductive parts of the electrical line, pipe or installation; 2° All possible movements, shifting, swinging, whipping, particularly in the event of a broken component, or falling of the equipment used for the planned work.
Any employer planning to carry out earthworks, excavations, drilling or excavation work must find out from the relevant road authority in the case of work on public property, from the owner in the case of work on private property and, in all cases, from the local electricity distribution representative, whether there are any underground electricity conduits, whether buried or not, within the perimeter of the planned work or less than…
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