Article R4542-11 of the French Labour Code
The provisions of articles R. 4542-6 to R. 4542-10 only apply insofar as the elements in question exist in the workstation and the characteristics of the task make their application possible.
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The provisions of articles R. 4542-6 to R. 4542-10 only apply insofar as the elements in question exist in the workstation and the characteristics of the task make their application possible.
Workstation equipment must not produce excess heat that is likely to cause discomfort to workers.
Radiation, with the exception of the visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum, is reduced to negligible levels to protect the health and safety of workers.
A satisfactory level of humidity is established and maintained in rooms used for working with visual display units.
Noise emitted by workstation equipment is taken into account when designing workstations, particularly so as not to disturb attention and hearing.
The employer must provide information and training for workers on how to use the screen and the work equipment in which the screen is integrated. Each worker will receive such training before being assigned to work with a display screen for the first time and whenever the organisation of the workstation is substantially modified.
A worker may not be assigned to work on a visual display screen unless he has undergone an appropriate eye and vision examination as part of the information and prevention visits. If the result of this examination so requires, they will benefit from an additional ophthalmological examination prescribed by the occupational physician under the conditions laid down in articles R. 4624-35 to R. 4624-38.
The employer shall arrange for the occupational physician to examine any worker who complains of problems that may be due to working with a display screen.If the results of the medical examinations make it necessary, an ophthalmological examination shall be carried out.
If the results of medical surveillance make correction necessary and normal corrective devices cannot be used, screen workers will be provided with special corrective devices appropriate to the work concerned. These devices may not entail any additional financial burden for the workers.
The provisions of sections 2 to 6 of this chapter are applicable, without prejudice to those of Title I of this book, to inspection, maintenance and technical control work, as well as to repair and conversion work carried out on the following permanently installed equipment: lifts, goods lifts, passenger lifts with a speed not exceeding 0.15 metres per second, escalators, moving walkways or automatic vehicle parking systems.
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