Article R4543-12 of the French Labour Code
The personnel of the company carrying out the work have access to the specific safety study before the work is carried out.
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The personnel of the company carrying out the work have access to the specific safety study before the work is carried out.
The material safety data sheet must be kept permanently available to the workers of the company working on the lift, either in the lift or goods lift machinery room, or in a nearby location in the case of other equipment. It is communicated by the owner of the equipment to any person whose duties require them to enter normally inaccessible parts of the equipment.
The head of the company carrying out the work must organise the work in such a way as to ensure the safety and health of the workers carrying it out. To this end, he must take the appropriate preventive measures to avoid any risk to workers and other exposed persons that may result from the neutralisation of protective devices.
The head of the company carrying out the work defines the operations or work requiring the use of more than one worker, according to their arduous, repetitive or complex nature. When two or more workers are involved, the manager of the company carrying out the work shall take the necessary preventive measures to eliminate the risks associated with the simultaneous activity of these workers and to ensure satisfactory communication between…
When organising the work referred to in article R. 4543-15, the head of the company carrying out the work defines the operating procedures appropriate to the technology of the equipment and its environment. This organisation takes into account: 1° The consequences of the introduction of new technologies; 2° The conclusions drawn from experience gained and the analysis of accidents at work; 3° The training and professional qualifications of the personnel…
When one or more pieces of equipment are running simultaneously in the same shaft, work on one of them is carried out when the others have been shut down, unless the separation between the equipment ensures the safety of those involved.
When the work requires the presence of a worker in the cab roof and the equipment is fitted with a control device for the inspection manoeuvre, the work may only be undertaken after verification of the correct operation of this device using a method which ensures that control is taken.
A lone worker must be able to report any situation of distress and be rescued as quickly as possible.
A lone worker may not carry out work which : 1° Involve the manual carrying of a mass in excess of 30 kg, the manual installation or removal of equipment weighing in excess of 50 kg, or the installation or removal of lift traction cables; 2° Require the use of powered-ventilated individual respiratory protection equipment.
A lone worker may only carry out operations or work which require him to be on the roof of the passenger compartment of a piece of equipment while it is in motion under the following cumulative conditions: 1° The equipment is fitted with an inspection control device designed and installed in such a way as to guarantee the safety of those involved; 2° The risk of falling is prevented :…
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