Article R4643-16 of the French Labour Code
Documents relating to the agenda of the Finance Committee shall be sent by the General Secretary to the members of the Committee fifteen days before it is held, except in cases of urgency.
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Documents relating to the agenda of the Finance Committee shall be sent by the General Secretary to the members of the Committee fifteen days before it is held, except in cases of urgency.
The General Secretary shall inform the National Committee of the opinions of the Finance Committee at the first meeting following that of the Finance Committee.
The National Committee will be assisted as technical advisor by a doctor chosen from among the occupational physicians responsible for the medical supervision of employees in the industry.
The Organisme Professionnel de Prévention du Bâtiment et des Travaux Publics comprises regional prevention committees responsible, in particular, for: 1° Carrying out actions to improve hygiene, health, safety and working conditions at all sites where member companies operate; 2° Implementing, under the supervision of the national committee and in accordance with the action programme adopted by the council of the national committee, the action programmes of the Organisme Professionnel de…
The Regional Prevention Committee Council is responsible for the organisation and operation of the services provided by the National Committee, in accordance with the guidelines laid down by the latter. It adopts the annual regional action programme in line with that defined by the National Committee Board. It sets its expenditure forecasts. It draws up its own rules of procedure in accordance with the standard rules of procedure drawn up…
The National Committee determines the number of Regional Prevention Committees.
Each Regional Prevention Committee Council is made up of ten members appointed by the National Committee Council, five of whom are nominated by representative employers’ organisations at national level and five by representative employees’ organisations at national level. Ten alternates are appointed under the same conditions.
Each year, the Regional Prevention Committee Council elects from among its members a bureau consisting of a chairman and a vice-chairman, who is responsible for replacing the chairman if he is absent or unable to attend. Where the chairman belongs to the category of members appointed on the proposal of employers’ professional organisations, the vice-chairman is chosen from among the members appointed on the proposal of employees’ trade union organisations,…
The Regional Prevention Committee Council meets when convened by its Chairman and on the agenda set by him. It may also be convened at the request of the majority of its members or of the Regional Director for Business, Competition, Consumption, Labour and Employment. It may only deliberate if at least three members belonging to each category are present, failing which it is convened again within a fortnight and on…
The Regional Operational Managers prepare and implement the decisions of the Regional Prevention Committee Councils. By delegation from the Secretary General, they manage the departments and staff placed at their disposal.
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