Article R4226-20 of the French Labour Code
The register provided for in article R. 4223-19 and the inspection reports may be kept under the conditions provided for in article L. 8113-6.
The register provided for in article R. 4223-19 and the inspection reports may be kept under the conditions provided for in article L. 8113-6.
The provisions of Articles R. 4222-18 to R. 4222-20 apply to temporary electrical installations. For these installations, the employer applies a specific verification process to ensure that they are built in compliance with the health and safety rules applicable to them and that they remain in compliance with these rules notwithstanding any modifications made to them. Depending on the category and classification of the installations, an order by the ministers…
The provisions of this chapter do not preclude more stringent provisions for establishments open to the public, within the meaning of article R. 143-2 of the French Construction and Housing Code, or for residential buildings.They do not apply to high-rise buildings, within the meaning ofarticle R. 146-3 of the French Construction and Housing Code, for which specific provisions apply.
The application of the provisions relating to fire prevention and evacuation laid down for new constructions or new developments in Chapter VI of Title I exempts the application of the equivalent measures in this chapter.
The theoretical number of people likely to be present to be taken into account for the application of this chapter comprises the number of workers plus, where applicable, the number of members of the public likely to be admitted, calculated in accordance with the rules relating to the protection of the public against the risks of fire and panic in establishments open to the public.
Establishments have clearances such as doors, corridors, passageways, staircases and ramps, distributed in such a way as to allow rapid evacuation of all occupants in conditions of maximum safety. These exits must always be unobstructed. No object, merchandise or equipment may obstruct the movement of people or reduce the width of the clearances below the minimums set in article R. 4227-5. These clearances must be arranged in such a way…
The premises to which workers normally have access are served by clearances, the number and width of which are as follows: WORKFORCE NUMBERof exits WIDTHtotal cumulated Less than 20 people 1 0,80 m 20 to 100 people 1 1,50 m 101 to 300 people 2 2 m 301 to 500 people 2 2,5 m Over the first five hundred people:– the minimum number of clearances must be increased by one…
Doors must comply with the following requirements: 1° Doors likely to be used to evacuate more than fifty people must open in the direction of exit; 2° Doors forming part of the regulatory clearances must open by simple operation; 3° Any locked door must be operable from the inside under the same conditions as in 2° and without a key.
Sliding, revolving or upward-opening doors do not qualify as emergency doors. They are not considered as regulatory clearances. However, power-operated sliding doors which, in the event of failure of the control device or the power supply, free up the entire width of the opening by moving sideways or outwards by simply pushing, can be considered as statutory emergency exits.
The existence of lifts, goods lifts, moving walkways or conveyor belts cannot justify a reduction in the number and width of clearances.
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