Article R4227-19 of the French Labour Code
The pipes supplying combustible liquids or gases to the fixed heat production-emission appliances are made entirely of metal and assembled by welding. The use of lead pipes is prohibited.
The pipes supplying combustible liquids or gases to the fixed heat production-emission appliances are made entirely of metal and assembled by welding. The use of lead pipes is prohibited.
The circuits supplying the installations include an emergency stop device for the energy supply to all the appliances. The shutdown device can be operated from a permanently accessible and signposted location.
Premises or areas in which substances or preparations classified as explosive, oxidising or extremely flammable are stored or handled, as well as materials in a physical state likely to give rise to risks of explosion or instantaneous ignition, contain no sources of ignition such as fireplaces, flames, equipment capable of producing sparks externally, or any surface whose temperature is likely to cause the aforementioned substances, preparations or materials to self-ignite….
In addition to the ban on smoking in public places, as provided for in article L. 3511-7 of the Public Health Code, smoking is prohibited in the open-air areas referred to in article R. 4227-22. This prohibition is signposted in accordance with the regulations in force.
The premises mentioned in article R. 4227-22 as well as those in which substances or preparations classified as highly flammable or materials in such a physical state that they are likely to catch fire instantly on contact with a flame or spark and to spread the fire rapidly, are used in such a way that : 1° No normal workstation is more than 10 metres from an exit to the…
It is forbidden to deposit or allow to remain the substances, preparations or materials mentioned in articles R. 4227-22 and R. 4227-24 in staircases, passages and corridors, under staircases and near exits from premises and buildings.
Rags, cotton and paper impregnated with flammable liquids or greasy substances must be locked up in sealed metal containers after use.
An order by the ministers responsible for labour and agriculture lays down the specific provisions relating to industrial facilities using fuel gas and liquefied hydrocarbons.
The employer shall take the necessary measures to ensure that any outbreak of fire can be quickly and effectively tackled in the interests of rescuing workers.
First aid against fire is provided by a sufficient number of fire extinguishers maintained in good working order. There is at least one portable water spray extinguisher with a minimum capacity of 6 litres for every 200 square metres of floor space. There is at least one appliance per level. Where premises present particular fire risks, particularly electrical risks, they are equipped with fire extinguishers of a number and type…
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