Article R4227-30 of the French Labour Code
If necessary, the establishment is equipped with armed fire taps, dry standpipes, wet standpipes, fixed automatic fire extinguishing systems or automatic fire detection systems.
If necessary, the establishment is equipped with armed fire taps, dry standpipes, wet standpipes, fixed automatic fire extinguishing systems or automatic fire detection systems.
Non-automatic extinguishing systems are easy to access and operate.
When necessary, a quantity of sand or loose earth proportionate to the size of the establishment, the layout of the premises and the nature of the work carried out is kept close to the work areas, with a means of spraying, to be used to extinguish the beginnings of a fire.
Extinguishing systems are permanently signposted in appropriate places.
Establishments in which more than fifty people may be occupied or habitually assembled, as well as those, regardless of their size, where flammable materials mentioned in article R. 4227-22 are handled and used, are equipped with an audible alarm system.
The general audible alarm is given per building if the establishment comprises several buildings isolated from each other.
The general alarm sound signal is such that it cannot be confused with other signals used in the establishment. It is audible from any point in the building for the time required for evacuation, with a minimum duration of five minutes.
In the establishments referred to in article R. 4227-34, fire safety instructions are drawn up and posted in a very conspicuous manner: 1° In each room for premises with more than five people and for the premises mentioned in article R. 4227-24 ; 2° In each room or in each corridor serving a group of rooms in other cases. In other establishments, instructions are drawn up to ensure the evacuation…
The fire safety instructions indicate : 1° The extinguishing and emergency equipment in the premises or in the vicinity ; 2° The persons responsible for putting this equipment into action; 3° For each room, the persons responsible for directing the evacuation of workers and, where applicable, the public; 4° Specific measures relating to the presence of disabled people, and in particular the number and location of safe waiting areas or…
The fire safety instructions provide for periodic tests and inspections of equipment and for drills during which workers learn to recognise the characteristics of the general alarm sound signal, to locate and use safe waiting areas or equivalent areas, to use first aid equipment and to perform the various manoeuvres required. These drills and periodic tests take place at least every six months. Their date and any observations to which…
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