Article R4412-51-2 of the French Labour Code
A joint order by the ministers for labour and agriculture specifies the procedures and methods to be used to check compliance with biological limit values.
A joint order by the ministers for labour and agriculture specifies the procedures and methods to be used to check compliance with biological limit values.
If a worker is suffering from an occupational disease, a disease or an abnormality likely to result from exposure to hazardous chemical agents, with the exception of the carcinogens and mutagens defined in Article R. 4412-60, the occupational physician shall determine the relevance and nature of any examinations necessary for workers who have undergone comparable exposure. If a worker is suffering from either an occupational disease or an abnormality likely…
In the event of illness or anomaly as provided for in Article R. 4412-52, a new risk assessment is carried out with a view to ensuring better protection of workers’ health and safety.
For each worker exposed to chemical agents hazardous to health, the occupational health physician shall set up and keep an individual file containing : 1° Where applicable, the information communicated by the employer to the occupational physician in application of the third paragraph of article D. 4161-1; 2° The dates and results of any additional medical examinations carried out.
The medical file is kept for at least fifty years after the end of the period of exposure, under the conditions provided for in article L. 4624-8 of this code or article R. 717-27 of the rural and maritime fishing code.
Upon request, the medical file is sent to the company’s medical inspector and may be sent, with the employee’s consent, to a doctor of his choice.
If the establishment or occupational health service to which the worker is attached disappears or if the worker moves to another establishment, the entire medical file is sent to the occupational health inspector, who is responsible for sending it, at the worker’s request, to the occupational health physician now responsible.
The provisions of this section apply to activities in which workers are exposed or are likely to be exposed in the course of their work to carcinogenic, mutagenic or reprotoxic chemical agents. They do not preclude special measures taken by decree for certain carcinogenic, mutagenic or reprotoxic agents or processes. The activities mentioned in the first paragraph are not subject to the provisions of section 1 with the exception of…
Carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxic for reproduction means the following substances or mixtures: 1° Any substance or mixture which meets the criteria for classification in category 1A or 1B of substances or mixtures which are carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxic to reproduction as defined in Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 ; 2° Any substance, mixture or process defined as such by joint order of the ministers for labour and agriculture.
For any activity likely to present a risk of exposure to carcinogens, mutagens or agents toxic to reproduction, the employer assesses the nature, degree and duration of exposure of workers in order to be able to assess the risks to their health or safety and to define the preventive measures to be taken. A joint order by the Ministers of Labour and Agriculture may specify the conditions for this assessment.
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