Article R4412-136 of the French Labour Code
The latest versions of demolition, removal or encapsulation plans, in any medium, are communicated once a quarter to the occupational physician and to the social and economic committee.
The latest versions of demolition, removal or encapsulation plans, in any medium, are communicated once a quarter to the occupational physician and to the social and economic committee.
I.-At least thirty days before the date on which work is due to start on a given operation, as referred to in 4° of Article R. 4412-133, the employer shall send the demolition, removal or encapsulation plan, using the DEMAT @ MIANTE platform referred to in the same article, to the following departments: -the labour inspector responsible for the area in which the planned work is to be carried out;…
I.-The employer shall immediately inform the inspection and prevention services and its certifying body or bodies of any changes in the content of a demolition, removal or encapsulation plan transmitted by the DEMAT @ MIANTE platform referred to in Article R. 4412-133, as well as the date on which the work starts. If these changes result from an amendment to the works contract or if they involve a change in…
The DEMAT @ MIANTE platform referred to in Article R. 4412-133 is used to notify the certifying bodies of the following: -every month, at the latest by a date fixed by contract between the employer and his certifying body or bodies, the list, for the coming calendar month, of operations involving the removal or encapsulation of asbestos or materials, equipment, materials or articles containing it, and, for each of them,…
Persons whose data is collected on the DEMAT @ AMIANTE platform receive the information provided for in Articles 13 and 14 of Regulation (EU) No 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC. This information appears on the teleservice website,…
An order of the Minister responsible for labour specifies in particular: 1° The conditions for implementing the DEMAT @ MIANTE platform mentioned in Article R. 4412-133 and the procedures for its use by employers carrying out work involving the removal or encapsulation of asbestos or materials, equipment, materials or articles containing it; 2° The information relating to companies and establishments certified to carry out work involving the removal or encapsulation…
At the end of the work, the employer draws up an end-of-work report containing all the information relating to the progress of the work, in particular the dust level measurements, the prior waste acceptance certificates and the updated asbestos location plans. The completion report is given to the client, who may include it in the file on subsequent work on the structure. It may be consulted under the conditions laid…
Prior to any restitution of the area and prior to the removal of any total or partial containment device, the employer shall carry out : 1° An examination including all areas likely to have been polluted; 2° Thoroughly clean the area by vacuuming with equipment fitted with a high-efficiency filtration system; 3° A measurement of the dust level, carried out in accordance with article R. 1334-25 of the Public Health…
The training of workers provided for in articles R. 4412-87 and R. 4412-117 is carried out by an organisation certified for this purpose. The certificate of competence provided for in article R. 4412-117 is issued by the certified training body.
An order by the Minister for Employment determines : 1° The conditions, procedures and criteria for the accreditation of certifying bodies on the basis of the technical reference system defined by the body responsible for accreditation ; 2° The conditions, procedures and criteria for the certification of the training bodies mentioned in article R. 4412-141, taking particular account of their qualifications, the training methods, resources and teaching techniques used and…
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