Article R6145-54-2 of the French Public Health Code
The provisions of article R. 1617-22 of the Code général des collectivités territoriales are applicable to public health establishments.
The provisions of article R. 1617-22 of the Code général des collectivités territoriales are applicable to public health establishments.
The provisions of articles D. 1611-1, D. 1617-19, D. 1617-21 and D. 1617-23 of the General Local Authorities Code are applicable to public health establishments.
The revenues of public health establishments are recovered : 1° Either by virtue of enforceable judgements or contracts ; 2° Or by virtue of revenue orders issued and made enforceable by the director of the establishment. Enforcement measures for the recovery of these revenues are carried out in the same way as for direct taxation. Objections, where the matter falls within the jurisdiction of the judicial courts, are judged as…
The provisional profit and loss account for the schools and institutes mentioned in 3° of article R. 6145-12 shows the operating costs and income attributable to the activity of these schools and institutes. It includes in particular: 1° Expenses : a) Operating expenses relating to personnel, in particular those relating to the remuneration of directors, teachers and external contributors, administrative and technical staff assigned to the training schools and institutes…
The operating grant referred to in a of 2° of Article R. 6145-56 is calculated as the difference between all the operating expenses shown in the provisional income statement and all the operating revenue other than the grant, as part of the procedure provided for in Article R. 6145-59.
Without prejudice to the provisions of articles R. 6145-12 and R. 6145-13, the annual investment forecasts relating to the schools and training institutes mentioned in articles L. 4151-9, L. 4244-1 and L. 4383-5, as well as the financing arrangements envisaged, are identified in a summary statement sent to the Regional Council, which determines the amount of its capital grant under the conditions set out in article R. 6145-59. The accounts…
Before 31 October of the year preceding the financial year to which it relates, the director of the managing public health establishment sends the president of the regional council a request for a subsidy to cover the capital and operating costs of the training schools and institutes referred to in articles L. 4151-9, L. 4244-1 and L. 4383-5 that it manages, accompanied by activity forecasts, proposals for tariffs serving as…
Pending determination of the amount of the operating grant, the region pays the managing institution monthly instalments equal to one twelfth of the previous year’s grant.
At the end of the financial year, and after the vote on the financial account provided for in article R. 6145-44, the director of the managing establishment sends the President of the Regional Council the profit and loss account annexed to the activities mentioned in 3° of article R. 6145-12, together with an activity report and a statement showing the investment expenditure and revenue generated during the financial year for…
Pursuant to article L. 6145-16, the accounts of public health institutions may be certified by one or more statutory auditors or, for institutions whose total income from the main profit and loss account exceeds an amount set by decree, by the Cour des Comptes.
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