Article R6113-48 of the French Public Health Code
The Agency is subject to the provisions of Titles I and III of Decree 2012-1246 of 7 November 2012 on public budgetary and accounting management.
The Agency is subject to the provisions of Titles I and III of Decree 2012-1246 of 7 November 2012 on public budgetary and accounting management.
Secondary accounting officers may be appointed by the General Manager of the Agency after consultation with the accounting officer and with the approval of the Minister for the Budget.
Revenue and imprest accounts may be set up under the conditions set out in Decree no. 2019-798 of 26 July 2019 on the revenue and imprest accounts of public bodies.
The agency employs staff governed by titles II, III or IV of the general statute of civil servants and staff mentioned in 1° and 2° of article L. 6152-1 in an active, secondment or secondment position. It may also employ contract staff under public law, who are subject to the provisions of decree no. 86-83 of 17 January 1986 relating to the general provisions applicable to non-tenured State employees taken…
The national cost studies referred to in Article L. 6113-11 may cover the following fields of activity: 1° The activities mentioned in 1° of article R. 162-33 of the Social Security Code; 2° The activities mentioned in 2° of this article; 3° The activities mentioned in 1° of article R. 162-22 of the same code; 4° The activities mentioned in article R. 162-34 of the same code.
The Agence technique de l’information sur l’hospitalisation publishes, for each field of activity on which a study is to be carried out, a call for applications no later than 30 June of the year preceding that in which the study data are collected. The call for applications is published on the Agency’s website. The information mentioned in article R. 6113-55 remains public until the date on which the list mentioned…
The call for applications must include at least the following information: 1° The objectives of the study; 2° The obligations of the health care organisations selected at the end of the selection procedure, with regard to the collection and validation of study data; 3° The technical documentation relating to the implementation of the study, as well as the charter setting out the quality requirements for the data transmitted; 4° The…
The Agence technique de l’information sur l’hospitalisation examines each application on the basis of the questionnaire mentioned in 5° of article R. 6113-55. It notifies each applicant healthcare establishment of its decision by any means that can be relied upon to provide a date certain. The establishments thus selected appear on the list drawn up under the conditions defined in article R. 6113-58.
I.-At the end of the call for applications procedure, the Agence technique de l’information sur l’hospitalisation will analyse the sample of establishments selected in application of article R. 6113-56, in order to verify that it is representative in terms of: 1° The distribution of health care establishments by category of establishment within the meaning ofarticle L. 162-22-6 of the Social Security Code and Articles L. 6141-2, L. 6111-3-1 and R….
The list of health care organisations eligible to participate in national cost studies under the conditions set out in articles R. 6113-56 and R. 6113-57 is drawn up each year, after consultation with the most representative national organisations of health care organisations, by order of the ministers responsible for health and social security. The list is published no later than 30th November of the year preceding that in which the…
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