Article R6147-99 of the French Public Health Code
The centre’s accounting officer is the Receiver General of Finances for Paris.
The centre’s accounting officer is the Receiver General of Finances for Paris.
The Supervisory Board of the Établissement Public de Santé Territoriale de Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon is made up of the following fifteen members: 1° Representatives of local and regional authorities: a) The mayors of Miquelon-Langlade and Saint-Pierre ; b) The President of the Territorial Council; c) Two territorial councillors appointed by the territorial council; 2° Staff representatives: a) One member of the nursing, re-education and medico-technical care commission appointed by the latter; b)…
I. – The provisions of section 1 of chapter V of this title are applicable to the territorial public health establishment of Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon with the exception of articles R. 6145-21 and R. 6145-26. II. – For the application of article R. 6145-14, without prejudice to the provisions of the first paragraph of this article, the evaluative nature of the appropriations entered in the budget is assessed within the limit of…
The rates for services provided by the public health establishment of Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, instituted inarticle L. 174-3 of the Social Security Code, are established for : 1° Full hospitalisation under the common system, at least for each of the following categories: a) Specialised or non-specialised services ; b) Expensive speciality departments ; c) Very expensive specialised services; d) Follow-up and rehabilitation services; e) Long-term care units for care purposes. 2° Alternatives…
The annual funding allocation for the Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon territorial public health establishment referred to inArticle L. 174-1 of the Social Security Code represents the portion of expenditure that must be covered by the health insurance schemes. It is equal to the difference between, on the one hand, all operating expenses entered in the provisional income statement for the main activity, excluding those relating to cancellations of revenue vouchers from previous financial…
Subject to the priority it must at all times give to satisfying the needs of the armed forces and taking into account the specific nature of its missions, the armed forces health service contributes to public health policy in accordance with the provisions of this section, which also determines the conditions under which the other players in the health system contribute to the armed forces’ health support mission.
The army hospitals on the list provided for in article L. 6147-7 are treated in the same way as the university hospital centres mentioned in article L. 6141-2.
When the needs of the armed forces so require, the Minister of Defence takes back full control of all or part of the activities and equipment mentioned in article L. 6147-7. In this case, except in exceptional circumstances or emergencies, the Minister for Health, the Director General of the Ile-de-France Regional Health Agency and the Directors General of the Regional Health Agencies within whose jurisdiction the armed forces hospitals concerned…
The regional health agency within whose jurisdiction an army hospital is located is consulted by the hospital on any factor likely to influence the provision of care, in particular those relating to projects affecting its activities and facilities mentioned in article L. 6147-7, its association with a regional hospital grouping, its participation in a health cooperation grouping, a public interest grouping, a coordination support scheme or a specific regional scheme.
I. – The users’ commission mentioned in IV of article L. 6112-2 is set up in each army hospital. II.This committee: 1° Ensures that the rights of users are respected and facilitates their procedures. To this end, all complaints and claims relating to the care provided, brought to the attention of the Armed Forces Hospital by users or their relatives and to which the Armed Forces Hospital has responded, are…
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