Article L6323-1-6 of the French Public Health Code
Health centres may be members of territorial professional health communities within the meaning of article L. 1434-12.
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Health centres may be members of territorial professional health communities within the meaning of article L. 1434-12.
Health centres apply the third-party payment system referred to in article L. 160-10 of the Social Security Code and do not charge more than the rates set by the administrative authority or the rates referred to in 1° of I of article L. 162-14-1 of the Social Security Code. Full payment cannot be demanded for treatment that has not yet been provided. When a health centre is placed outside the…
I. – The health centre is responsible for keeping patients’ medical records in conditions that guarantee the quality and continuity of patient care. In the event of prolonged or definitive closure, the health centre will immediately inform the relevant Conseil Départemental de l’Ordre of the measures taken to ensure that patients’ medical records are kept and are accessible. II. – If a patient is referred to another healthcare structure or…
The health centres are responsible for identifying the place of care outside the health centres and for informing the public about the public or social health activities and actions implemented, the terms and conditions of access to care and the status of the manager. Any form of advertising in favour of health centres, or encouraging the use of procedures or services provided by them, is prohibited.
The health centres shall draw up a health plan covering, in particular, the accessibility and continuity of care and the coordination of health professionals within the centre and with external care providers. The health centre’s operating rules shall be appended to the health plan. The health project for a health centre managed by a health establishment is separate from the establishment’s project. An order from the Minister for Health specifies…
I.-Prior to the opening of the health centre and, where applicable, one or more branches, the legal representative of the managing body of this centre shall submit to the director of the regional health agency the health project referred to in article L. 6323-1-10 , together with a commitment to the health centre’s compliance, the content of which is specified by an order of the Minister for Health. The receipt…
I. – Where it is found that there has been a breach that compromises the quality or safety of care, a breach by the legal representative of the managing body of the obligation to transmit the undertaking to comply, or a breach of the legislative and regulatory provisions relating to health centres, or in the case of abuse or fraud committed with regard to social security bodies or insured persons,…
Every year, each health centre management body sends the Director General of the Regional Health Agency information relating to the activities and operating and management characteristics of the health centres and their branches for which it is the legal representative. The information that must be sent is specified by order of the Minister for Health.
The armed forces health service is authorised to receive health professionals from health centres to attend courses, undertake internships or take part in care, training, research, health education and public health activities. Health centres may receive armed forces health service personnel to take part in the activities referred to in articles L. 6323-1 and L. 6323-1-1, under the conditions laid down by their status. In all cases, an agreement shall…
Detailed rules for the application of this chapter shall be laid down by decree.
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