Article L2325-1 of the French Public Health Code
Article L. 541-1 of the Education Code applies to school and university health services.
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Article L. 541-1 of the Education Code applies to school and university health services.
As stated in article L. 541-2 of the Education Code, hereafter reproduced: “All members of staff in public or private teaching and educational establishments and all persons who are in regular contact with pupils in the premises of the said establishments must undergo, periodically and at least every two years, a medical examination to screen for contagious diseases. On this occasion, they receive information from the school doctor on the…
As stated in article L. 541-3 of the Education Code, reproduced below: “In each department and arrondissement capital, in each commune with a population of more than 5,000 and in communes designated by ministerial order, one or more school medical-social centres are organised for the visits and examinations prescribed in articles L. 541-1 and L. 541-2. They contribute to the implementation of coordinated prevention and health education actions included in…
As stated in article L. 541-4 of the Education Code, hereafter reproduced: “Medical supervision of school physical and sporting activities is provided under the conditions defined in articles L. 541-1 and L. 541-3. “
As stated in article L. 831-2 of the Education Code, hereafter reproduced: “Medical supervision of university physical and sporting activities is provided under the conditions defined in articles L. 541-1 and L. 541-3. “
As stated in article L. 542-2 of the Education Code, reproduced below: “The medical check-ups carried out pursuant to the third paragraph (2°) of article L. 2112-2 of the Public Health Code and the penultimate paragraph of article L. 541-1 of this code are intended in particular to prevent and detect cases of child abuse. “
As stated in article L. 542-3 of the Education Code, hereafter reproduced: “At least one information and awareness-raising session per year on child abuse, particularly sexual violence within the family, is included in the timetable for pupils in schools, collèges and lycées. These sessions, organised on the initiative of school heads, involve families and all staff, as well as public services, local authorities and associations involved in child protection.
The following offences are punishable by three months’ imprisonment and a fine of 3,750 euros: 1° Opening or running without authorisation one of the establishments mentioned in article L. 2321-1 or making an inaccurate or incomplete declaration ; 2° Continuing to operate such an establishment despite a closure decision; 3° For those who manage such establishments, obstructing or attempting to obstruct the inspections provided for in article L. 2321-5. Natural…
Opening or running one of the establishments mentioned in article L. 2322-1 without authorisation or failing to comply with the conditions of the authorisation is punishable by a fine of 4,500 euros. The establishment may also be closed. A repeat offence within three years is punishable by two years’ imprisonment and a fine of 9,000 euros, without prejudice to the stiffer penalties incurred in particular for felonies and misdemeanours under…
Obstructing the inspections provided for in Article L. 2322-2 is punishable by six months’ imprisonment and a fine of €3,750. The establishment may be closed.
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