Article L4123-12 of the French Public Health Code
The deliberations of the departmental council are not public. The departmental council may be assisted by a legal adviser in an advisory capacity.
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The deliberations of the departmental council are not public. The departmental council may be assisted by a legal adviser in an advisory capacity.
At least twice a year, the departmental council of doctors and the departmental council of dental surgeons meet to study issues of interest to both professions, under the joint chairmanship of their respective presidents.
The two departmental councils for doctors and midwives may hold joint meetings under the joint chairmanship of their respective chairmen.
A Conseil territorial de l’ordre des médecins is constituted in the collectivity of Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon when the number of doctors practising in this territorial collectivity and fulfilling the conditions of eligibility provided for in article L. 4123-5 is at least equal to twice the minimum number provided for the departmental councils. Until such time, registration on the roll of the Ordre des Médecins is decided by the representative of the State…
Doctors and dental surgeons from Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon are represented on the Conseil national de l’ordre des médecins et des chirurgiens-dentistes by the national councillor(s) representing the Normandy region. The midwives of Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon are represented on the Conseil national de l’ordre by the national councillor representing the Brittany region.
The procedures for the election and operation of the territorial council of the Ordre des Médecins, des chirurgiens-dentistes and des sages-femmes of Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, as well as its powers and responsibilities, are identical to those of the departmental councils of each of these orders. At the time of the first elections or in the event of the new elections provided for in article L. 4123-10, lots are drawn to determine the…
Until the creation of a council of the order of dental surgeons in Mayotte, in application of article L. 4411-2, the dental surgeons of Mayotte are attached to the departmental council of the order of dental surgeons of La Réunion.
Doctors, dental surgeons and midwives practising in Saint-Martin and Saint-Barthélemy are entered on the roll of the competent departmental council of the Guadeloupe Association.
The Disciplinary Chamber of first instance must rule within six months of the complaint being lodged. Failing this, the president of the national disciplinary chamber may forward the complaint to another disciplinary chamber of first instance.
Doctors, dental surgeons or midwives entrusted with a public service and entered on the roll of the Association may only be brought before the disciplinary chamber of first instance, in respect of acts committed in the exercise of their public duties, by the Minister for Health, the State representative in the department, the director general of the regional health agency, the public prosecutor, the national council or the departmental council…
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