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Article R214-141 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

The postal voting form allows you to vote on each of the resolutions in the order in which they are presented at the meeting. It gives shareholders the opportunity to vote for or against each resolution or to abstain from voting. It shall inform the shareholder in a very conspicuous manner that any abstention expressed on the form or resulting from the absence of a voting indication will be treated…

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Article R214-142 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

The form shall indicate the date by which, in accordance with the Articles of Association, it must be received by the Company in order to be taken into account. Where it has been agreed between the Company and the intermediaries authorised by it that the latter will no longer accept for transmission to the Company voting forms received by them after a date prior to that set by the Company,…

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Article R214-143 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

If the postal voting form and the proxy form appear on a single document, this document shall contain, in addition to the information provided for in Articles L. 214-104 and L. 214-105, the following information: 1° The surname, usual first name, address and number of shares held by the member; 2° The signature of the shareholder or his legal or judicial representative; 3° A statement that the document may be…

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Article R214-144 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

I. – The following documents and information are sent or made available to all shareholders under the conditions set out in articles R. 214-137 and R. 214-138, no later than fifteen days before the meeting: 1° The management company’s report ; 2° The report(s) of the Supervisory Board; 3° The Statutory Auditors’ report(s); 4° Form(s) for postal or proxy votes; 5° In the case of the Ordinary General Meeting provided…

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Article R214-145 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

At each General Meeting, an attendance sheet shall contain the following information: 1° the surname, usual forenames and permanent address of each shareholder present and the number of shares held 2° the surname, forenames and permanent address of each proxy holder and the number of shares held by the proxy holders; and 3° the surname, forenames and permanent address of each shareholder represented and the number of shares held. The…

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Article R214-146 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

Members’ Meetings are chaired by the person designated in the Articles of Association. Failing this, the meeting elects its own chairman. The two members of the meeting with the highest number of votes who accept this role are elected scrutineers. The Chairman, the two tellers and the secretary they appoint form the officers of the Meeting. Unless otherwise provided in the Articles of Association, the secretary may be chosen from…

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Article R214-147 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

The minutes of the General Meeting mention the date and place of the meeting, the method of convening, the agenda, the composition of the officers, the number of shares participating in the vote and its consequences for the quorum, the documents and reports submitted to the meeting, a summary of the discussions, the text of the resolutions put to the vote and the results of the votes. It is signed…

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