Article R518-4 of the French Monetary and Financial Code
For access to the posts of Deputy Chief Executive and Director, no conditions other than those laid down for Directors of central administration are required.
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For access to the posts of Deputy Chief Executive and Director, no conditions other than those laid down for Directors of central administration are required.
Subject to the provisions of article R. 518-3, the provisions relating to the posts of head of department, deputy director, high-level expert and project director in State administrations are applicable to civil servants and contractual employees under public law appointed to these posts within the Caisse des dépôts et consignations.
Subject to the powers conferred on the Prime Minister and the Minister for the Civil Service in respect of certain categories of civil servant, the Managing Director appoints to all other posts.
Deputy Chief Executive Officers are sworn in by the Supervisory Board.
The Controllers General of Caisse des dépôts et consignations are placed under the direct authority of the Chief Executive Officer of Caisse des dépôts et consignations. They are responsible for auditing the departments and services of the public institution entrusted to them by the Chief Executive Officer, to whom they report directly. They may be entrusted with reorganisation and restructuring assignments. They may also propose any organisational or financial measures…
The organisation and powers of the Directorates and, within them, of the Departments are governed by an Order of the Director General.
The Chief Executive Officer may delegate some of his powers to staff occupying the posts mentioned in article R. 518-3. He may delegate his signature to employees under his authority, including in matters for which he has received a delegation of powers from the Supervisory Board. He may authorise the latter to sub-delegate under the conditions he determines. In matters for which they have received a delegation of authority from…
If the Chief Executive Officer is absent or unable to act, or if the post is vacant, the Deputy Chief Executive Officer appointed for this purpose by order of the Minister for Economic Affairs published in the Journal officiel de la République française will act as interim Chief Executive Officer.
The Chief Executive prepares the budget of the public institution and submits it to the Supervisory Board for adoption within a timeframe that enables it to be implemented on 1st January of the financial year to which it relates. The budget thus adopted is submitted to the Minister for the Economy for approval. It is deemed approved in the absence of an express decision by the Minister within one month…
In the second month of the year following each financial year, the Director General shall send to the administrators and establishments for which Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations is responsible for the receipts and expenditure the annual accounts of the operations concerning each administration and establishment. These accounts must be returned to the General Manager within the following month, after having been approved by the said institutions and administrations. They…
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