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Article L223-2 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

Only the following may issue savings bonds 1° Credit institutions ; 2° Natural persons and companies that operate as traders and have drawn up the balance sheet for their first financial year. Savings bonds are subscribed directly with these persons. Finance companies are prohibited from issuing savings bonds.

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Article L223-4 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

Savings certificates are entered in the name of their owner in a register kept by the issuer. The issuer provides the owner of the savings bond with a certificate of registration in the register and, where the owner is one of the persons referred to in 2° of article L. 223-2, provides the owner with its most recent annual financial statements, the accuracy of which it certifies. A decree shall…

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Article L224-1 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

Individuals can pay into a retirement savings plan. The purpose of the plan is the acquisition and enjoyment of personal lifetime rights or the payment of a capital sum, payable to the holder from the date of liquidation of his pension under a compulsory old-age insurance scheme or from the age mentioned in article L. 161-17-2 of the Social Security Code, at the earliest. The plan gives rise to the…

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Article L224-2 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

The sums paid into a retirement savings plan may come from : 1° Voluntary payments by the holder ; 2° Sums paid under the profit-sharing scheme provided for in Title II of Book III of Part III of the Labour Code, or under the incentive scheme provided for in Title I of Book III of the Labour Code, or from payments by companies provided for in Title III of Book…

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Article L224-3 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

Payments into a retirement savings plan that has given rise to the opening of a securities account are allocated to the acquisition of financial securities offering sufficient protection for the savings invested and appearing on a list established by regulation, taking into account the financial management procedures of the plan. Payments into a retirement savings plan which has given rise to subscription to a group insurance contract, the performance of…

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Article L224-4 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

I.-Rights accrued under the retirement savings plan may, at the request of the holder, be liquidated or redeemed before the due date referred to in article L. 224-1 in the following cases only: 1° The death of the holder’s spouse or their partner in a civil solidarity pact; 2° The disability of the holder, their children, their spouse or their partner in a civil solidarity pact. This disability is assessed…

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Article L224-5 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

On the due date mentioned in article L. 224-1 : 1° The rights corresponding to the sums mentioned in 3° of article L. 224-2 are issued in the form of a life annuity; 2° The rights corresponding to the other payments are delivered, at the choice of the holder, in the form of a capital sum, paid up in one go or in instalments, or in the form of a…

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