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Article L613-51 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

Where it decides to implement the measures referred to in this subsection in respect of a person referred to in I of Article L. 613-34 of the measures referred to in this sub-section, the resolution board may decide to exercise, in respect of that person, all the rights and powers conferred on the holders of equity securities referred to in Chapter II of Title I of Book II or of…

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Article L613-51-1 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

I. – When the managers referred to in Article L. 511-13 or Article L . 532-2(4), the board of directors, the supervisory board or any other body exercising equivalent supervisory functions of an entity subject to a resolution procedure are dismissed, the resolution college may appoint a special administrator, who may be a natural person or a legal entity, to whom all powers of administration, management and representation of this…

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Article L613-51-2 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

The resolution college may dismiss and replace the members of the management board, the senior management or any other person who effectively manages the business within the meaning of Articles L. 511-13 or L. 532-2, as well as the members of the board of directors, the supervisory board or any other body exercising equivalent functions, of a person mentioned in I of Article L. 613-34 subject to a resolution procedure.

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Article L613-52 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

The resolution college may decide to transfer, on one or more occasions, to one or more purchasers other than a bridge institution, all or part of the equity securities mentioned in Chapter II of Title I of Book II or other securities as well as the assets, rights or obligations of the person subject to resolution proceedings. This transfer requires the agreement of the purchaser. This transfer also concerns the…

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Article L613-52-2 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

I. – Without prejudice to the European Union’s legal regime on state aid, the resolution board may waive the provisions of I of Article L. 613-50-6 if their implementation is likely to compromise the achievement of the objectives of the resolution mentioned in I of Article L. 613-50. II. – Subject to IV and Article L. 613-58-1, this transfer is not subject to compliance with any procedural requirements under the…

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Article L613-52-3 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

The holders of equity securities referred to in Chapter II of Title I of Book II or other securities or creditors of the person subject to resolution proceedings and any other party whose assets, rights and obligations are not transferred shall have no direct or indirect rights in the assets, rights or obligations transferred to the purchaser.

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Article L613-52-4 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

Where only the provisions of this sub-paragraph are applied to transfer part of the assets, rights or obligations of a person subject to a resolution procedure, the residual entity shall be wound up in accordance with the provisions of Book VI of the Commercial Code. The liquidation shall take place within a reasonable time without prejudice to : 1° Any obligation on the person whose assets, rights or obligations have…

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Article L613-52-5 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

For the sole purpose of exercising the freedom to provide services or the freedom of establishment in another Member State, the acquirer shall be deemed to be a continuation of the person subject to resolution proceedings and shall continue to exercise any rights previously held by that person in respect of the property, rights or obligations transferred.

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Article L613-52-6 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

I. – Participation, membership or access rights to the systems referred to in Article L. 330-1, to the trading platforms referred to in Title II of Book IV and to the clearing houses referred to in Title IV of Book IV are transferred to the acquirer provided that it meets the criteria for participation, membership or access to these market infrastructures. However, the absence of a rating or an insufficient…

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