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Article R513-8 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

The “Société de Crédit Foncier” is required to maintain at all times a ratio of privileged resources to assets, including amounts receivable in respect of forward financial instruments benefiting from the privilege defined in article L. 513-11, equal to at least 105%, under the conditions set by order of the Minister responsible for the economy. For the calculation of this ratio, when its assets include receivables guaranteed pursuant to articles…

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Article R513-8-1 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

Where sociétés de crédit foncier issue “obligations foncières” with an extendible maturity date, the maturity date may only be extended in one or more of the following cases: 1° In the event of non-payment, on the initially scheduled maturity date, of the principal or interest of a loan granted by the société de crédit foncier to a credit institution and guaranteed by the remittance, assignment or pledging of receivables pursuant…

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Article R513-9 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

When the société de crédit foncier finances its activities by issuing loans or by resources benefiting from the preferential right defined in article L. 513-11, the contract or document intended for public information within the meaning of article L. 412-1 or any equivalent document required for admission to regulated markets shall mention the benefit of this preferential right and the certificate provided for in IV of article R. 513-16.

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Article R513-10 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

The ancillary costs referred to in the last paragraph of article L. 513-11 include insurance and bonding costs, sums due to the guarantee fund for social accession and home ownership referred to in Article L. 312-1 of the Code de la construction et de l’habitation, the sums due to the depositary of the issue as well as those relating to the appraisal of receivables, the maintenance and repair of buildings…

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Article R513-11 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

The docket referred to in Article L. 313-23, by which receivables held by a société de crédit foncier are assigned, must include the following information: 1° The name of the deed of assignment of receivables ; 2° A statement that the deed is subject to the provisions of articles L. 313-23 to L. 313-35 and articles L. 515-13 to L. 515-33 (1) ; 3° The name or corporate name of…

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Article R513-12 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

Pursuant to Article L. 513-13, the slip used to transfer the loans referred to in Article L. 515-13 (1) to a société de crédit foncier must include the following information: 1° The name of the deed of assignment of receivables ; 2° A statement that the deed is subject to the provisions of articles L. 515-13 to L. 515-33 (1) ; 3° The name or corporate name of the beneficiary…

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Article R513-14 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

Credit institutions or finance companies linked to a société de crédit foncier by a contract referred to in Article L. 513-15 shall identify the staff and resources required to collect debts and apply the contracts held by the latter company. They shall include in the preventive recovery plan provided for inarticle L. 613-35 the terms and conditions for the possible transfer of all the technical resources and data required to…

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Article R513-15 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

When, pursuant to Article L. 511-10, a company applies to the Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution for the authorisation necessary to obtain the status of société de crédit foncier, it shall inform the Autorité of the names of the specific auditors, principal and alternate, that it proposes to appoint. If the Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution does not agree, the directors of the société de crédit…

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Article R513-16 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

I. – The term of office of the principal and alternate Specific Auditors expires after the submission of the report and certified statements drawn up at the end of the fourth financial year following their appointment. They may be reappointed. When they wish to renew the term of office of these auditors, the directors of the société de crédit foncier shall submit their proposal to the Autorité de contrôle prudentiel…

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