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Article R517-9 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

For the purposes of determining the threshold of 40 billion euros set out in Article L. 517-11, the total value of the assets in the European Union of a group whose parent undertaking is established in a third country is the sum of the following elements: 1° The total value of the assets of each establishment in the European Union of the group, as shown in its consolidated balance sheet…

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Article R517-10 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

For all groups operating on French territory and whose parent undertaking is established in a third country, the Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution shall notify the European Banking Authority: a) The names and total value of the assets of the institutions that belong to one of these groups; b) The names and total value of the assets of the authorised branches of these groups, as well as the…

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Article R517-11 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

With a view to obtaining their approval, financial holding companies, parent undertakings of finance companies and mixed financial holding companies shall communicate the following information to the Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution when it is the authority responsible for supervising them on a consolidated basis and, failing that, when their registered office is established in France: 1° The organisational structure of the group to which the financial holding…

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Article R517-12 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

The Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution has six months from receipt of the initial application to notify its acceptance of the application for approval. It has only four months from receipt of the initial application to notify its refusal of the application for approval. Where the application is incomplete, this period runs from receipt of the information required for its decision. However, the total period allowed for the…

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Article R518-0 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

I.-The committee referred to in 8° of article L. 518-4 comprises a member of the Conseil d’Etat, appointed by its Vice-President, a member of the Cour des Comptes, appointed by its First President, a person appointed by the Governor of the Banque de France and three persons appointed by the Minister for the Economy. The Minister appoints the Chairman of the Committee from among the members of the Conseil d’Etat…

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Article R518-0-1 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

I.-The two members of the Supervisory Board mentioned in 9° of Article L. 518-4 are elected for three years by and from among the members of the staff delegation of the Joint Information and Consultation Committee of Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations. II -Their election takes place during the installation meeting following the renewal of the members of the staff delegation within the joint information and consultation committee. Two separate…

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Article D518-0-2 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

I. – The members of the Supervisory Board referred to in 6° to 8° of article L. 518-4 of the Monetary and Financial Code receive fixed and variable fees for the performance of their duties, the terms of which are set by the Supervisory Board’s internal regulations. II. – The total annual amount of these fixed and variable fees may not exceed the sum of 300,000 euros for all the…

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Article R518-2 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

The Chief Executive Officer is appointed by decree. The fixed, variable and exceptional components of his remuneration are set jointly by the Minister for the Economy and the Minister for the Budget, after consultation with the Chairman of the Supervisory Board. The total amount of his remuneration may not exceed the ceiling mentioned in article 3 of decree no. 53-707 of 9 August 1953 relating to State control of national…

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Article R518-3 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

To manage the departments under his authority, the Chief Executive Officer of Caisse des dépôts et consignations may be assisted by one or more Deputy Chief Executive Officers, as well as by directors, general auditors, department heads, deputy directors, high-level experts and project directors. The Director General appoints to the posts mentioned in this article. Where they are occupied by public-law employees, the Director General may terminate the duties of…

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