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Article L341-15 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

All direct marketers are prohibited from receiving cash, negotiable instruments, digital assets, bearer securities or cheques or any payment by any other means from the persons they canvass, subject to the procedures for exercising the right of withdrawal set out in II of article L. 341-16 . The first paragraph of this article does not apply to the persons mentioned in 7° and 8° of article L. 341-3 when they…

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Article L341-16 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

I. – The person canvassed has a period of fourteen completed calendar days in which to exercise his right of withdrawal, without having to justify his decision or incur any penalties. The period during which the right of withdrawal may be exercised begins to run : 1° Either from the day on which the contract is concluded ; 2° Or from the day on which the person being canvassed receives…

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Article L341-17 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

Any breach of the laws, regulations and professional obligations applicable to banking or financial canvassing committed by the persons mentioned in 1°, 3°, 5°, 7° and 8° of article L. 341-3 and in article L. 341-4 is penalised in accordance with the conditions laid down, depending on their nature or activities, in articles L. 612-39, L. 621-15 and L. 621-17.

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Article L342-1 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

Peddling and canvassing for the sale, purchase or exchange of gold ingots, bars, foreign currencies and demonetised gold coins are prohibited. Anyone who goes to the homes of private individuals, other than bankers, stockbrokers and dealers in precious metals, or to public places not reserved for this purpose, in order to offer or obtain the aforementioned materials, with immediate delivery and payment, in full or in part, either in cash…

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Article L342-2 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

I. – Any person who habitually goes to the homes of private individuals, other than bankers, stockbrokers or dealers in precious metals, or to public places not reserved for this purpose, to advise on the purchase, sale or exchange of these materials, or to offer to participate either in forward transactions in the same materials, or in syndicates whose object is transactions based on price differences and relating to the…

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Article L342-3 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

Peddling and canvassing for the sale or exchange of foreign banknotes are prohibited. Any person who goes to the homes of private individuals, other than bankers and stockbrokers, or to public places, to offer or obtain foreign banknotes with immediate delivery and payment, in whole or in part, either in cash or in securities, shall be deemed to be peddling foreign banknotes. Any person who habitually visits the homes of…

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Article L343-2 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

Where the remote provision of financial services to a consumer is preceded by canvassing within the meaning of article L. 341-1, article L. 341-12 applies in place of article L. 222-5 of the Consumer Code and references to the latter article are replaced by references to article L. 341-12.

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Article L352-1 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

Members of the Management Board or Supervisory Board of the Depositors’ Guarantee Fund and any person who, by virtue of their duties, has access to documents and information held by the Fund, shall be liable to the penalties provided for in article 226-13 of the French Criminal Code for violating the professional secrecy established in article L. 312-14.

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