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Article L313-7 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

The leasing transactions referred to in this subsection are : 1. The leasing of capital goods or tools purchased with a view to such leasing by companies that remain the owners of the goods, where these transactions, however they may be classified, give the lessee the possibility of acquiring all or part of the leased goods, in return for an agreed price that takes into account, at least in part,…

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Article L313-9 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

The provisions of the second and third paragraphs of article 3-1 of decree no. 53-960 of 30 September 1953 (1), as amended and supplemented by law no. 65-356 of 12 May 1965, do not apply to property leasing contracts. Under penalty of nullity, such contracts shall stipulate the conditions under which they may be terminated at the lessee’s request.

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Article L313-12 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

All open-ended loans, other than occasional loans, granted by a credit institution or finance company to a company may only be reduced or interrupted following written notification and the expiry of a notice period fixed at the time the loan was granted. This period may not be less than sixty days, failing which the loan will be null and void. In compliance with the applicable legal provisions, the credit institution…

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Article L313-12-1 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

Credit institutions or finance companies shall provide companies applying for a loan or receiving a loan with their rating and an explanation of the factors that led to the rating decisions concerning them, when they so request. Such explanations or information may not be requested by or disclosed to third parties.

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Article L313-12-2 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

Every quarter, the Banque de France publishes a document based on the volume of outstanding loans and new loans granted by credit institutions or finance companies to businesses, showing the share and volume of loans granted to : – to companies created less than three years ago ; – small and medium-sized enterprises. The data specifies, for each category, the number of companies concerned.

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Article L313-13 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

The State, subject to Articles L. 313-18 to L. 313-20, credit institutions, finance companies, other commercial companies, alternative investment funds governed by Section 2 of Chapter IV of Title I of Book II and authorised to grant loans to non-financial companies, public establishments, the list of which is set by decree in the Conseil d’Etat, insurance companies and mutual insurers, non-profit associations referred to in Article L. 5, mutual insurers…

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Article L313-14 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

Equity loans are recorded on a specific line of the balance sheet of the organisation granting them and of the company receiving them, which also mentions them in the notes provided for in article L. 123-12 of the French Commercial Code. For the purposes of assessing the financial position of the companies receiving them, they are treated as equity capital.

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