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Article L4422-43 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

The services of the State which participate in the exercise of the competences transferred to the territorial collectivity of Corsica are, where necessary, made available to the territorial collectivity of Corsica under the conditions provided for in article L. 4151-1 and article 16-3 of law n° 72-619 du 5 juillet 1972 portant création et organisation des régions. However, the services or parts of services exclusively responsible for the implementation of…

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Article L4422-44 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

The transfer of competencies to the territorial collectivity of Corsica automatically entails the transfer to the territorial collectivity of Corsica of movable and immovable property used by the State for the exercise of these competencies. This handover is recorded in a report which specifies in particular the consistency, legal situation and condition of the assets handed over. When the assets handed over are the property of the State, the handover…

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Article L4422-45 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

I. – The transfers of assets between the State and the territorial collectivity of Corsica provided for in III of Article L. 4424-7 and to articles L. 4424-22, L. 4424-23, L. 4424-24 and L. 4424-25 of this code as well as articles L211-2 and L223-3 of the new Forestry Code are carried out free of charge, under the conditions determined by the Finance Act, and in accordance with the procedures…

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Article L4422-46 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

The provisions of Chapter V of Title III of Book I of Part Four of the present Code are applicable to the President and members of the Assembly of Corsica, as well as to the President and members of the Executive Council of Corsica, subject to the following provisions: 1° The maximum allowance for the performance of the duties of councillor to the Assembly of Corsica is determined by applying…

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Article L4423-1 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

The deliberations of the Assembly of Corsica, the acts of the President of the Assembly of Corsica as well as the deliberations of the Executive Council, the decrees of the President of the Executive Council deliberated within the Executive Council and the acts of the President of the Executive Council are subject to legality control under the conditions set out in Chapter II of Title IV of Book I of…

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Article L4424-1 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

The territorial collectivity of Corsica establishes and transmits to the State representative, after consultation with the economic, social, environmental and cultural council of Corsica and taking into account the guidelines set by the plan, the provisional training plan for collèges, lycées, vocational education establishments, artistic education establishments, special education establishments, maritime vocational lycées, agricultural education establishments mentioned in article L. 811-8 of the rural and maritime fishing code and information…

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Article L4424-2 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

The territorial collectivity of Corsica finances, builds, equips and maintains collèges, lycées, public vocational education establishments, artistic education establishments, special education establishments, as well as maritime vocational lycées, agricultural education establishments mentioned in article L. 811-8 of the rural and maritime fishing code and information and guidance centres. The territorial collectivity of Corsica provides reception, catering, accommodation as well as general and technical maintenance, with the exception of the tasks…

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Article L4424-3 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

Within the framework of national policy on higher education, the President of the Executive Council presents the Assembly of Corsica with proposals relating to higher education and research, after receiving the opinion of the University of Corsica. On this basis, the Assembly of Corsica establishes, according to the priorities it determines in terms of cultural, economic and social development and after consulting the Economic, Social, Environmental and Cultural Council of…

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