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Article L5215-18 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

In the councils of urban communities with more than 100,000 inhabitants, the operation of groups of community councillors may be the subject of deliberations without the decisions relating to the compensation system for community councillors being modified on this occasion. In these same councils, groups of community councillors are formed by the submission to the president of a declaration, signed by their members, accompanied by a list of their members…

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Article L5215-20 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

I. – The urban community exercises the following competences by operation of law, in place and stead of the member municipalities: 1° With regard to the economic, social and cultural development and planning of the community area: a) Creation, development, maintenance and management of industrial, commercial, tertiary, craft, tourist, port or airport activity zones; b) Economic development actions; c) Construction or development, maintenance, management and running of cultural, socio-cultural, socio-educational…

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Article L5215-20-1 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

I. – Urban communities existing on the date of promulgation of the loi n° 99-586 du 12 juillet 1999 relative au renforcement et à la simplification de la coopération intercommunale continue to exercise the following competences on a compulsory basis, instead of the member communes: 1° Intercommunal development and planning charters, territorial coherence schemes, local town planning schemes or town planning documents in lieu thereof, local housing programmes, constitution of…

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Article L5215-21 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

The urban community is substituted ipso jure for the syndicat de communes or the syndicat mixte whose perimeter is identical to its own, for all the competences it exercises. The urban community is also substituted ipso jure, for the competences it exercises, for the syndicat de communes or the syndicat mixte included entirely within its perimeter. The substitution of the urban community for the syndicate is carried out under the…

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Article L5215-22 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

I. – When some of the communes of a syndicate of communes or a mixed syndicate form part of an urban community, through the creation of this community, through the merger of public establishments of inter-communal cooperation to form an urban community or through the conversion of a public establishment of inter-communal cooperation into an urban community, and this community is included in its entirety in the syndicate, this creation,…

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Article L5215-23 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

Urban communities existing on the date of publication of the loi n° 99-586 du 12 juillet 1999 relative au renforcement et à la simplification de la coopération intercommunale ayant élargi ou non leurs compétences dans les conditions prévues au III de l’article L. 5215-20-1 are substituted, for the exercise of their competences alone, for the communes which are part of it when these are grouped with communes outside the community….

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Article L5215-26 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

In order to finance the construction or operation of a facility, assistance funds may be paid between the urban community and the member municipalities following concordant agreements expressed by a simple majority of the community council and the municipal councils concerned. The total amount of the assistance funds may not exceed the share of the financing provided, excluding subsidies, by the recipient of the assistance fund.

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Article L5215-27 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

The urban community may entrust, by agreement with the local authority or authorities concerned, the creation or management of certain facilities or services falling within its remit to one or more member municipalities, to their groupings or to any other territorial authority or public establishment. Under the same conditions, these local authorities may entrust the urban community with the creation or management of certain facilities or services falling within their…

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