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Article L1617-6 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

I.-The following public bodies transmit to the public accountants, in dematerialised form, the documents required for the execution of their expenditure and revenue, in compliance with the procedures laid down by decree: 1° The regions and the Corsican collectivity; 2° The départements; 3° The municipalities and public establishments for inter-municipal cooperation with their own tax status with more than 10,000 inhabitants; 4° The public housing offices whose total current revenue…

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Article L1618-1 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

The provisions of this chapter apply to local authorities and their public establishments, subject to the specific provisions applicable to public health establishments, public social and medico-social establishments mentioned in article L. 312-1 of the Code de l’action sociale et des familles and the régies mentioned in article L. 2221-1. They do not apply to public low-cost housing establishments.

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Article L1618-2 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

I. – Local authorities and public establishments falling within the scope defined in article L. 1618-1 may derogate from the obligation to deposit with the State funds that come from: 1° Donations; 2° The alienation of an element of their assets; 3° Loans, the use of which is deferred for reasons beyond the control of the local authority or public establishment; 4° Exceptional income, the list of which is set…

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Article L1621-1 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

Officer’s allowances received by local elected representatives pursuant to the articles of this code may only be seized for the part that exceeds the amount representative of employment expenses defined in the last sentence of the first paragraph of 1° of Article 81 of the General Tax Code. Notwithstanding any provisions to the contrary, the fraction representing employment expenses is not taken into consideration when calculating resources giving entitlement to…

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Article L1621-3 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

A fund is created to finance the individual right to training of local elected representatives, provided for in Articles L. 2123-12-1, L. 3123-10-1, L. 4135-10-1, L. 7125-12-1 and L. 7227-12-1 of this code and in article L. 121-37-1 du code des communes de la Nouvelle-Calédonie. This fund is fed by a compulsory contribution deducted from the functional allowances paid to members of municipal councils, members of the deliberative bodies of…

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Article L1621-4 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

I. – The Caisse des dépôts et consignations is authorised to receive the resources of the fund for the individual right to training of local elected representatives referred to in article L. 1621-3. It manages these resources with a view to financing the rights acquired by local elected representatives under their individual right to training. It may receive financial contributions from local authorities and public establishments for inter-municipal cooperation with…

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Article L1621-5 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

I. – Each holder of individual training entitlements within the meaning of this chapter is informed of the amount of entitlements available to him and the top-ups from which he may benefit by accessing a free dematerialised service. This service also provides information on eligible training courses. It is responsible for paying for training courses, from registration to payment to the service providers who organise them. At least once a…

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