Article R1313-35 of the French Public Health Code
The budget is submitted to the Board of Directors for approval before 25 November of the previous year.
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The budget is submitted to the Board of Directors for approval before 25 November of the previous year.
The accounting officer is appointed by order of the ministers responsible for agriculture, the budget, consumer affairs, the environment, health and labour. Secondary accountants may be appointed by the Managing Director after consultation with the Accounting Officer and with the approval of the Budget Minister.
A statement showing the results of the cost accounting is attached to the financial account sent to the supervisory ministers.
With the authorisation of the ministers responsible for the budget, the economy, agriculture, consumer affairs, the environment, health and labour, the agency may take out loans.
Revenue and imprest accounts may be set up in accordance with the provisions of Decree no. 2019-798 of 26 July 2019 on the revenue and imprest accounts of public bodies.
The sufficient quantity of water intended for human consumption within the meaning of article L. 1321-1 A is, depending on the situation of the persons concerned, between fifty and one hundred litres of water per person per day available in the home or in the place where the persons concerned live or, failing that, at the nearest possible point of access, taking into account the technical, geographical and topographical constraints…
This section applies to water intended for human consumption, defined as : 1° All water which, either as it is or after treatment, is intended, in public or private places, for drinking, food preparation and cooking, personal hygiene, general hygiene and cleanliness, or for other domestic uses, in particular those likely to present a risk of ingestion, whatever their origin and whether they are supplied by a distribution network, from…
For the purposes of this section, the following definitions apply 1° Food uses, uses related to drinking, preparing and cooking food, washing dishes, watering vegetable gardens; 2° Personal hygiene uses, uses such as using water in the shower, bath, washbasin, for washing clothes; 3° Uses related to general hygiene and cleanliness, uses related in particular to excreta disposal, washing premises, washing vehicles in the home, cleaning surfaces in buildings; 4°…
Water intended for human consumption must, under the conditions laid down in this section : – not contain a number or concentration of micro-organisms, parasites or any other substances constituting a potential danger to human health ; – comply with the quality limits, relating to microbiological and physico-chemical parameters, defined by order of the Minister for Health.
Water intended for human consumption must comply with quality standards, covering microbiological, physico-chemical and radiological parameters, established for the purposes of monitoring water production, distribution and packaging facilities and assessing the risks to human health, set by order of the Minister for Health.
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