Article D1441-1 of the French Public Health Code
Articles D. 1432-1, D. 1432-2, D. 1432-6 and D. 1432-7 do not apply to Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon.
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Articles D. 1432-1, D. 1432-2, D. 1432-6 and D. 1432-7 do not apply to Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon.
The Commission territoriale de coordination des politiques publiques de santé de Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon is composed as follows: 1° The Prefect of Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon or his/her representative; 2° The head of the territorial health administration department or his/her representative; 3° Three representatives of State departments with responsibilities in the field of health prevention and promotion and in the field of medico-social support: a) The head of the national education department; b) The head…
Alternate members are appointed under the same conditions as the full members, for those mentioned in 4° and 5° of article D. 1441-2.
For the application of article D. 1432-14 to Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, in the second paragraph, the words: and to the specialised section of this body responsible for matters falling within the remit of the commission concerned are deleted.
Articles D. 1432-28 and D. 1432-29, the first four paragraphs of article D. 1432-31, articles D. 1432-32 to D. 1432-35, D. 1432-37, D. 1432-39, D. 1432-41, the last two paragraphs of article D. 1432-42, articles D. 1432-43 and D. 1432-45, the last four paragraphs of article D. 1432-46 and articles D. 1432-50 and D. 1432-51. 1432-42, articles D. 1432-43 and D. 1432-45, the last four paragraphs of article D. 1432-46…
The Territorial Conference on Health and Autonomy comprises seven colleges whose members have the right to vote: 1° College of representatives of local authorities: a) Two representatives of the territorial authority of Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, appointed by the territorial council; b) One representative of the municipality of Saint-Pierre, appointed by the municipal council; c) One representative of the municipality of Miquelon-Langlade, appointed by the municipal council; 2° College of representatives of users…
The following persons participate in the work of the Territorial Conference on Health and Autonomy in an advisory capacity: 1° The Prefect of Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon; 2° The President of the Economic, Social and Cultural Council; 3° The Heads of State Services in the local authority.
The plenary assembly of the Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon Territorial Conference on Health and Autonomy brings together the members of the colleges defined in article D. 1441-6 as well as the members mentioned in article D. 1441-7.
At its first meeting, the Territorial Conference on Health and Autonomy elects its chair. It draws up and approves its rules of procedure. It issues an opinion on : 1° The territorial health project ; 2° The annual report on respect for the rights of users of the healthcare system mentioned in article D. 1432-42. Each year it draws up a report on its activities. It determines the health issues…
For the application of article D. 1432-47 in Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon: 1° In the second paragraph, the words: or one of its formations are deleted; 2° In the third paragraph, the words: and each of its formations are deleted; 3° In the last paragraph, the words: within these formations are deleted.
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