Article R1432-60 of the French Public Health Code
Revenue and imprest accounts may be set up under the conditions set out in Decree no. 2019-798 of 26 July 2019 on the revenue and imprest accounts of public bodies.
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Revenue and imprest accounts may be set up under the conditions set out in Decree no. 2019-798 of 26 July 2019 on the revenue and imprest accounts of public bodies.
The control of expenditure exercised by the Accounting Officer pursuant toArticle 19 of Decree 2012-1246 of 7 November 2012 on public budgetary and accounting management shall be appropriate and proportionate to the risks associated with the amount and nature of the expenditure. The procedures for implementing this control are determined by the Accounting Officer after informing the Agency’s Director General.
An invoicing department under the authority of the accounting officer is responsible for centralising the receipt of invoices. Certification of the service rendered by the authorising officer authorises payment by the accounting officer once he has checked that the invoice corresponds to the commitment and the service rendered. This certification of the service rendered takes the place of authorisation of the expenditure.
The Chief Executive of the Regional Health Agency shall set up an internal control system covering all the Agency’s activities and procedures and designed to detect and prevent financial and accounting risks. The Accounting Officer shall be responsible for implementing the internal control system for the procedures for which he is responsible. The Chief Executive shall also set up an internal audit function to regularly assess procedures and make recommendations….
Budgetary control of the Regional Health Agency is exercised by the Regional Director of Public Finances. Budgetary control of the Ile-de-France Regional Health Agency is exercised by the Budget and Accounts Controller of the Ministry of Health. Budgetary control of the Regional Health Agencies is coordinated by the Budget and Accounts Controller of the Ministry of Health.
The General Economic and Financial Control department is responsible for auditing the activities of the regional health agencies that have a financial impact on the compulsory health insurance bodies and the National Solidarity Fund for Autonomy. The subjects of the audits are decided by the Minister for the Budget after consultation with the National Steering Committee for the Regional Health Agencies. The audits are the subject of reports sent to…
The Director General of the Regional Health Agency may reach a settlement. He shall represent the State before the administrative court and the administrative court of appeal in all disputes relating to decisions taken by it pursuant to the first paragraph of article L. 1432-2. In disputes relating to acts it takes on behalf of the State, the Regional Health Agency is exempt from the need to be represented by…
The regional health agencies are divided into five groups according to the size of the population in their area.
The management posts in the regional health agencies are pensionable for the civil servants occupying them: 1° Director-General ; 2° Directors, including departmental delegation directors. These posts are divided into four levels, to which correspond indexed steps set by decree, on the basis of which the deductions provided for in article L. 61 of the civil and military pensions code are paid.
The following shall be set by order of the Ministers of Health, Labour, Solidarity, the Civil Service and the Budget, after consulting the National Steering Committee of the Regional Health Agencies, for each agency: 1° The group to which it belongs; 2° The number of management posts; 3° The level or levels of the corresponding management posts.
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