Article R3122-15 of the French Public Health Code
The parties may be assisted or represented by a lawyer.
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The parties may be assisted or represented by a lawyer.
Notifications between parties are made by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt or by direct notification between lawyers.
Hearings take place in chambers.
The clerk’s office notifies the parties to the proceedings and, where applicable, the lawyers, of the Court of Appeal’s judgment by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt.
The notifications provided for by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt in articles R. 3122-8, R. 3122-11, R. 3122-13, R. 3122-14, R. 3122-16 and R. 3122-18 may also be made by any other method of written notification, in return for a receipt.
The Office may, in order to exercise the subrogatory action provided for in Article L. 3122-4, intervene even for the first time in an appeal before any administrative or judicial court. In this case, the Office will act as principal and may avail itself of all legal remedies.
The registries and registry secretariats of the administrative and judicial courts shall send the Office, by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, a copy of the pleadings in which they are seised, initially or additionally, of any legal claim relating to compensation for the losses defined in the first paragraph of article L. 3122-1.
Within one month of receipt of the letter referred to in Article R. 3122-21, the Office shall inform the president of the court concerned whether or not a claim for compensation with the same purpose has been lodged with it and, if so, the progress of the proceedings. It will also indicate whether or not it intends to intervene in the proceedings. Where the victim has accepted the offer made…
Copies of decisions given at first instance and, where applicable, on appeal, in proceedings in which the Office is not involved are sent to the Office by the Registry or the Secretariat of the Registry.
I. – Claims for compensation under the out-of-court procedure provided for in articles L. 3131-4 and L. 3135-3 in respect of the losses defined in the same articles shall be addressed to the Office national d’indemnisation des accidents médicaux, des affections iatrogènes et des infections nosocomiales mentioned in article L. 1142-22 . They shall include the justification for the damage and shall be accompanied by evidence that the act causing…
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